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For me it marked the end of a chapter, the death of something young and precious. There were the years years of childhood and innocence when I had believed that carminative meant well, carminative. And now, before me lies the rest of my life a day, perhaps, ten years, half a century, when I shall know that carminative means windtreibend. 'Plus ne suis ce que j'ai ete Et ne le saurai jamais etre.

But as soon as a child is grown up, it becomes his duty to put up with the infirmities of his parents, which he does with respect and patience. To my great astonishment, I heard the children call their mothers mama or nana, their fathers baba, and their grandmothers ete or eti. The women lie lazily about during the whole day, and only in the evening exert themselves to make bread.

How could I sing when I was convulsed with laughter? "Il faut la remonter," the showman said, with a resigned air, and, turning to the audience, he announced that such a thing had never happened before. "La poupee a ete probablement derangee pendant le voyage." This caused much merriment.

Un monde près de nous a passé tout du long, Est chu tout au travers de notre tourbillon; Et s'il eût en chemin rencontré notre terre, Elle eût été brisée en morceaux comme verre." This announcement of Trissontin's to Philaminte, who begins the parody on the fears caused by the appearance of comets, would not have been a parody four or five centuries ago.

I was nearly suffocated before I had completed my work. I shoved off again, and away she flew before the wind. "I don't go with you this time," said I; "J'ai ete," as the Frenchman said, when he was invited to an English foxhunt. I was as black as a negro when I returned on board, and dying with thirst. "Very well done, Mildmay," said the captain; "did you find it warm?"

8 mars. Je vous remercie de votre sympathie, my dear Sir. J'y comptais. Vous etes un des anciens temoins de ma vie et de mon bonheur. Il a ete grand; mais le bonheur se paye. Je me soumets douloureusement mais sans murmure. La vie est ainsi faite. C'est pour mon gendre Cornelis de Witt que je ressens une pitie profonde.

To be sure, as a Frenchman told me in running through a list of virtues, "Elle avait été un peu libertine, mais ce n'est rien cela," and, indeed, I could almost have added, "C'est bien vrai," for every allowance should be made; consider the situation in which she was placed, her education, her temptations; many a saint might have fallen from the eminence on which she stood; I never dwelt with more satisfaction or felt more inclined to coincide in that benevolent verdict of the best of judges of human nature and human frailty, "Neither do I condemn thee, go and sin no more," than in criticising the character of Joséphine.

D'ordre de son Gouvernement, l'Ambassadeur d'Autriche a communiqué au Gérant du Ministère des Affaires Etrangères que la réponse de la Serbie a été jugée insuffisante

Le voleur se retourne, surpris, pour voir ces complices qu'il ignorait, car il était réellement seul, et dans ce moment Lord Berkeley lui brûle la cervelle. Courage, et surtout présence d'esprit. Cette anecdote a été racontée

All the wiseacres here make such a fuss on that point! Deuce take me if I can see any difference! Their orchestra begins all at one stroke, just as in other places. It is too laughable! Raaff told me a story of Abaco on this subject. He was asked by a Frenchman, in Munich or elsewhere, "Monsieur, vous avez ete a Paris?" "Oui." "Est-ce que vous etiez au Concert Spirituel?" "Oui."