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I'd have sneaked away, for he was furious. But he wouldn't let me, kept his eye on me, though he didn't say a word until they'd all gone. Then he looked at me rather with that Shakespeare fellow's Et tu Brute look: 'Why, Jobbins, you, who are so amiable? That was all. No, not half a bad chap."

"Et autrement, my friend, a good day?" "Not bad" Replied the other, looking with some surprise at the heavy armament of our Tarascon warrior. "You have killed some of them?" "Yes... a few... as you can see." And the Algerian pointed to his game-bag, bulging with rabbits and woodcock. "How is that?... you put them in your game-bag?" "Where would you like me to put them?"

The fame of his character in that respect had reached my ears even among the thick-lipped inhabitants of Central Africa." I own I did wonder whether this could be true. "'Justum et tenacem propositi virum! Nothing can turn him from his purpose, or induce him to change his inflexible will. You know him, and I know him, and he is well known throughout England.

Quoiqu'il en soit du motif et de son excuse, il paroît que l'ouvrage fit sur le roi et sur son conseil une impression favorable.

Perhaps there," he added, half to himself, "I might be more like what I was in better days." "But it's a long time to look forward to. Easter hasn't come yet," said Vernon. So the two young boys proposed; but God had disposed it otherwise. "Et motae ad Lunam trepidabis arundinis umbram." Juv.

Senate Document No. 208, p. 24. Pío del Pilar. Report of the War Department, 1899, Vol. I, part IV, pp. 5-10. See Buencamino's letter to Jáudines, p. 108. Taylor 36 AJ. et seq. See p. 41. "The insolent commentary of the American Consul here, if it is true, clearly shows the intention of America to impose her will upon us by force. In this case, the conflict will come sooner or later.

«La gorge même de Monetier, ou cette grande échancrure qui sépare le grand Saleve du petit, et dans le fond de laquelle est renfermé le joli vallon de Monetier, paroît avoir été formée par un courant semblable, qui descendant des Alpes par la vallée de l'Arve, venoit se jetter dans notre grand courant; car les couches correspondantes du grand et du petit Saleve indiquent leur ancienne jonction; et l'on ne comprend pas quel agent auroit pu détacher et emporter la pièce énorme qui manque en cet endroit

The defects which Maty insinuates, "Ces traits saillans, ces figures hardies, ce sacrifice de la regle au sentiment, et de la cadence a la force," are the faults of the youth, rather than of the stranger: and after the long and laborious exercise of my own language, I am conscious that my French style has been ripened and improved.

In die quo fecit Deus caelum et terram et omne virgultum agri priusquam germinaret. Quomodo enim potuerunt virgulta fieri antequam terra germinaret nisi quia causaliter prius et quasi in radice, seu in semine facta sunt, et postea in actu producta? Secundo confirmari potest, quia verbum illud germinet terra optime exponitur potestative ut sic dicam, id est accipiat terra vim germinandi.

Now, there's old Peter Cartwright, who has traveled over Illinoy and Indianny since the Year One, and preached more good sermons than any other man who ever set on saddle-bags, and has et more chickens than there are birds in a big pigeon roost.