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The city of Namur Margaret of Valois Her intrigues in Hainault in favour of Alencon Her reception by Don John at Namur Festivities in her, honor Seizure of Namur citadel by Don John Plan for seizing that of Antwerp Letter of the estates to Philip, sent by Escovedo Fortunes and fate of Escovedo in Madrid Repairing of dykes The Prince's visit to Holland His letter to the estates general on the subject of Namur citadel His visit to Utrecht Correspondence and commissioners between Don John and the estates Acrimonious and passionate character of these colloquies Attempt of Treslong upon Antwerp citadel frustrated by De Bourse Fortunate panic of the German mercenaries Antwerp evacuated by the foreign troops Renewed correspondence Audacity of the Governor's demands Letters of Escovedo and others intercepted Private schemes of Don John not understood by the estates His letter to the Empress Dowager More correspondence with the estates Painful and false position of the Governor Demolition, in part, of Antwerp citadel, and of other fortresses by the patriots Statue of Alva Letter of estates-general to the King.

But no such assembly had been convoked for almost two centuries, and only scholars and lawyers knew what the old Estates-General had been. Nevertheless, it was believed that nothing else could save France from ruin; and in August, 1788, Louis XVI, after consulting the learned men, issued a summons for the election of the Estates-General, to meet in May of the following year.

The "new or nearer Union of Brussels" was signed on the 10th of December, eleven months after the formation of the first union. This was the third and, unfortunately, the last confederation of all the Netherlands. The original records have been lost, but it is known that the measure was accepted unanimously in the estates-general as soon as presented.

Denis, now almost a suburb of Paris; it was destined for service in western France, where incipient tumults were presaging the coming storm. Eventually its destination was changed and it was ordered to Auxonne. The Estates-General of France were about to meet for the first time in one hundred and seventy-five years; they had last met in 1614, and had broken up in disorder.

Nevertheless, the commissioners of the Prince were not deceived by such artifices. There was no parity between the cases of the Spanish soldiery and of the troops in service of the estates. To assemble the estates-general was idle, if they were to be forbidden the settlement of the great question at issue.

Nevertheless, the commissioners of the Prince were not deceived by such artifices. There was no parity between the cases of the Spanish soldiery and of the troops in service of the estates. To assemble the estates-general was idle, if they were to be forbidden the settlement of the great question at issue.

That important measure secured, a general effort might, at the same time, be made to expel the Spaniard from the soil. This done, the remaining matters could be disposed of by the assembly of the estates-general. His eloquence and energy were not without effect.

Subsequently there were held other conferences, between the Prince and Doctor Leoninus, with a similar result, all attempts proving fruitless to induce him to abandon his position upon the subject of religion, or to accept a pardon on any terms save the departure of the foreign troops, the assembling of the estates-general, and entire freedom of religion.

There is no reason to suppose that his followers in England were numerous. The belief in the murder appears to have been general. It was mentioned as a fact by the Chancellor of France, in addressing the estates-general which met at Tours in the following January.

In the missive issued for this purpose, he formally agreed to abolish the whole tax, on condition that the estates-general of the Netherlands would furnish him with a yearly supply of two millions of florins.