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Again, on the 31st, they were strengthened anew by participating in the sacred ordinance together, and closed the year with praise and prayer, thankful to the Lord for the numberless favours they had experienced, and particularly for his mercy to the Esquimaux congregation.

Not a trace of the fracture was to be detected, and the purchaser, who is now living, knew nothing about it. The employment of the Esquimaux dogs is nearly the same as those from Newfoundland, and most valuable they are to the traveller who has to find his way over the wild and trackless regions of the north.

He returned at midnight with the information that none of the Esquimaux had yet ventured to come near Terregannoeuck except his aged wife, who had concealed herself amongst the rocks at our first interview, and she told him the rest of the party had gone to a river a short distance to the westward where there was another party of Esquimaux fishing.

We must now return to Fred Ellice and his companions, Meetuck the Esquimaux, O'Riley, and Joseph West, whom we left while they were on the point of starting on a hunting expedition. They took the direction of the ice hummocks out to the sea, and, seated comfortably on a large sledge, were dragged by the team of dogs over the ice at the rate of ten miles an hour.

He was not quite clear whether it was a compliment or not, to express it so plainly. "You mean a Jester? Yes, that's what I intended. And what do you think your disguise is to be?" And he proceeded to unfold the parcel, the lady watching him in rapture. "Oh, how lovely!" she cried, when at last the dress was unfolded. "What a splendid disguise! An Esquimaux peasant-woman!"

Three skin boats, filled with Esquimaux, came to bid them welcome, and followed them to Omanek, a small island, where they pitched their tents; brother Kohlmeister visited them on shore, and explained to them the design of their voyage: they listened, but could not comprehend the scope of his discourse; they shouted, however, with joy, when he told them that he would come and see them in their own country.

Our hunters were clothed in their Esquimaux garments, and cut the oddest imaginable figures. They had a soft, rotund, cuddled-up appearance that was powerfully suggestive of comfort.

And our conduct is the same towards those who reside among us, who have not received the gospel, when we find all our affectionate and serious exhortations in vain, and they persist in returning thither to trade. But no Esquimaux is driven away from our settlements on this account, for he does not sell his merchandize to us alone, but to any person with whom he chooses to trade.

In 1860 Paul DuChaillu speaks of the existence of an African people called the Obongos, inhabiting the country of the Ashangos, a little to the south of the equator, who were about 1.4 meters in height. There have been people found in the Esquimaux region of very diminutive stature. Battel discovered another pygmy people near the Obongo who are called the Dongos.

Into them went his spear, up came the poor fish, and was strung with some others on a string the boy carried. Lucy crept up as well as she could on the slippery ice, and the little Esquimaux stared at her with a kind of stupid surprise. "Is that the way you get fish?" she asked. "Yes, and seals; Father gets them," he said. "Oh, what's that, swimming out there?"