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He would harm if he could, ergo so would his god. I once hesitated to believe that these rude people had arrived at the notion of duality, at the Manichaeanism which caused Mr. Nor should I have credited them with so logical an apparatus for the regimen of the universe, or so stout-hearted an attempt to solve the eternal riddle of good and evil.

As for the woman, she's had her eyes open for a number of years. The main thing's Dorothy. She didn't vanish of her own initiative. And Mrs. Hallam knows, or suspects, more than she's going to tell. I don't think she wants Dorothy found. Calendar does. So do I. Ergo: I'm for Calendar." "Disappeared?" Calendar was barking at him. "How? When? Where?" "Within ten minutes," said Kirkwood.

It would be a deed of charity, so the charitable professor applied himself to it with all his heart, slowly repeating the question. "The book says that the metallic mirrors are made of brass and an alloy of different metals is that true or is it not true?" "So the book says, Padre." "Liber dixit, ergo ita est. Don't pretend that you know more than the book does.

Certainly anything that makes a man swear is wrong ergo, congregational singing is wrong. "Quod erat demonstrandum;" which, being translated, means "Plain as the nose on a man's face." What right have people to sing who know nothing about rhythmics, melodies, dynamics? The old tunes ought to be ashamed of themselves when compared with our modern beauties.

Huic ergo parce, Deus! Pie Jesu Domine! Dona eis requiem. "Amen!" exclaimed the abbot. And bowing his head to the ground, he earnestly repeated "Pie Jesu Domine! Dona eis requiem." Then he looked up, and resolved to ask for a confessor, and unburthen his soul without delay.

It is written: 'If ye live after the flesh, ye shall die. Anastasius Gobin has lived too much after the flesh. Alas! we know it, and you know it. Nemo melius judicare potest quam tu, as Brutus said to Cicero; so you will not share in the astonishment of the Cathedral worshippers. I will relate the matter to you in private. "Ergo.

Now, I affirm that she did not; not in any sense of the word "thought" applicable to the case. Here is France calumniating La Pucelle: here is England defending her. M. Michelet can only mean, that, on a priori principles, every woman must be presumed liable to such a weakness; that Joanna was a woman; ergo, that she was liable to such a weakness.

But it is incident to every member to err; ergo, to the whole." "I deny both major and minor," said Campion quietly. "Every man may err, but not the whole gathered together; for the whole hath a promise, but so hath not every particular man." Fulke denied this stoutly, and beat on the table.

A gammon of Bacon makes a man drink, drinking quencheth a mans thirst; Ergo, a gammon of bacon quencheth a mans thirst. Let him mock at it, it is more wittie to be mockt at than to be answered. Let him borrow this pleasant counter-craft of Aristippus; "Why shall I unbind that, which being bound doth so much trouble me?"

Sacheverell says in his speech at his trial, That by abandoning passive obedience we must render ourselves the most inconsistent Church in the world: Now 'tis plain, that one inconsistency could not make the most inconsistent Church in the world; ergo, there must have been a great many inconsistencies and contradictory doctrines in the Church before. Dr.