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"Like this!" said Horace, and swinging onto the trapeze he did his stunt. "Don't it kill your neck an' shoulder muscles?" "It did at first, but inside of a week I wrote the QUOD ERAT DEMONSTRANDUM on it." "Hm!" Horace swung idly on the trapeze. "Ever think of takin' it up professionally?" asked the fat man. "Not I."

If this hurried glance at the population of Paris has enabled us to conceive the rarity of a Raphaelesque face, and the passionate admiration which such an one must inspire at the first sight, the prime interest of our history will have been justified. Quod erat demonstrandum if one may be permitted to apply scholastic formulae to the science of manners.

So that, your ancestors being clearly mine, I have a right in law to call the whole "kit" of them monsters. Quod erat demonstrandum. Wordsworth has an admirable picture in Peter Bell of "A snug party in a parlor," removed into limbus patrum for their offences in the flesh:

If this hurried glance at the population of Paris has enabled us to conceive the rarity of a Raphaelesque face, and the passionate admiration which such an one must inspire at the first sight, the prime interest of our history will have been justified. Quod erat demonstrandum if one may be permitted to apply scholastic formulae to the science of manners.

In which case, my poor young friend, you must be suffering from a malformation of the feet; or, in other words, you are deformed, according to Euclid, quid demonstrandum est, twiggy vous?" "Oh, yes, I see," said I, feeling rather nettled, I confess, at his thus taking a rise out of me. "You think that funny, I suppose; but, I call it both silly and vulgar!"

Certainly anything that makes a man swear is wrong ergo, congregational singing is wrong. "Quod erat demonstrandum;" which, being translated, means "Plain as the nose on a man's face." What right have people to sing who know nothing about rhythmics, melodies, dynamics? The old tunes ought to be ashamed of themselves when compared with our modern beauties.

Add to these the Lutherans of foreign origin and we have in round numbers a Lutheran population of more than 547,000 souls. Subtract these from the total Lutheran population and we have a deficit of over 400,000 souls, lapsed Lutherans, the subject of the present chapter. Quod erat demonstrandum. While this is a large number, it is a moderate estimate.

Since, as I have shown, all war is wrong, the case may be simplified as follows: All war is morally wrong. Quod erat demonstrandum. Germany invaded Belgium. Invasion is war. Germany, therefore, did moral wrong. Upon the legal side, as I began by pointing out, Germany confessed in the Reichstag the violation of law.

The ego had a beginning, the persona, the temporal mask that unfolds itself in this life, but not the Self that wears the mask. When therefore my Horseherd says, “After death we are just as much a nullity as before our birth,” I say, quoderat demonstrandum is still to be proved. What does he mean by we?

"Quod erat demonstrandum!" cried Rowland. "I think you know Latin." When our four friends were established in what I have called their grassy valley, there was a good deal of scrambling over slopes both grassy and stony, a good deal of flower-plucking on narrow ledges, a great many long walks, and, thanks to the lucid mountain air, not a little exhilaration. Mrs.