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'What has that to do with it? said his aunt. 'There is not much blood in France with which a Montmorency Bourbon can match. Moreover, they say the child is devote, and entetee on Madam de Port Royal, who is more than suspected of being outree in her devotion; so the sooner she is married the better! Poor beautiful girl, how I pitied her then!

'Where is la petite? Narcisse demanded. Behind her Queen, as usual? 'The young Queen keeps her room to-night, returned Diane. 'Nor do I advise you, brother, to thrust yourself in the way of la petite entetee just at present. 'What, is she so besotted with the peach face? He shall pay for it! 'Brother, no duel. Father, remind him that she would never forgive him.

Night came on, the king left her to undress, and waited to be summoned to his bride's apartment; but the young Queen, "entêtée, comme une enfant qu'elle était," says Saint Simon, "for she was scarcely fourteen," appeared disposed to attribute to the King himself, the rude conduct of his subjects; and in spite of all reasoning on the subject, and the remonstrances of Madame des Ursins, replied that she would sleep alone and go back as quickly as possible to Turin.

But you must be aware, Clara, that you have been so very I don't wish to say headstrong exactly so very entetee about your own affairs, that I hardly know how to speak of them. If your brother is in your confidence I shall be satisfied." "He is in my confidence, and so may you be also, mamma, if you please."

I could not help laughing at this tirade of the kind-hearted little man, on the strength of which he patted me on the head, and said I was bonne enfant, if I were not si diablement entetee, and bade me go to bed, and sleep myself into a better humour; a piece of advice which appeared to me so judicious, that I proceeded at once to obey it, and bidding them both a kind good-night, betook myself to my own room to ponder rather than to sleep.

Indeed before the close of the day Rosaline privately informed her mistress, "qu'elle serait entetee surement de cet enfant dans trois jours;" and "que son regard vraiment lui serrait le coeur."

He told her that only in big towns could you find peace or flowers. She said the Hotel Bungalow had "un caractère assez spècial...." He did not listen to her comments they were mere breathing places. On the subject of the sea he was, he thought, almost witty, with a touch of real indignation. She said the sea was her passion.... He decided that she was an obstinate woman entêtée.

Indeed, before the close of the day, Rosaline privately informed her mistress, "qu'elle serait entêtée sûrement de cet enfant dans trois jours;" and "que son regard vraiment lui serrait le coeur."

The Contessa sank into a chair and began fanning herself; then got up again and went towards the girl clasping her hands. "My sweetest," she cried, "you will not be entétée, and risk everything. We shall have news, good news, every morning, three, four times a day." "And Milady," said Bice, "who has done everything, will be alone and in tr-rouble.