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She had a wild, roving, savage nature, and the wind was dearer to her than house-walls. She had come of ancestors and it was a poor little atom of truth that a soul bred like this woman could have been born capable of entertaining.

When the deep, cylindrical cistern-like reservoir on Twin Peaks was finished, they opened it with a dance; when the Stockton street tunnel was finished, they opened it with a dance; when the morgue was completed they opened that with a reception. The San Francisco papers reflect all this activity, and they certainly make entertaining reading.

His musical genius was free and unfettered. In such a mood, the music he drew from his violin was more wonderful and entertaining than ever before. Fern Fenwick was astonished and delighted. She soon became so much interested, that at intervals between the dancing, she came upon the platform to engage him in conversation.

And if it lasts after me, it may be of service to some of them; but I do not much look to that. It often happens that sons are of a different way of thinking from their fathers: mine may think little of these things, and if so, no harm." The table-d'hote at Chamouni thirty people was very entertaining.

Fiske roused herself to the responsibility of entertaining the young guest. After some futile attempts at conversation in the abstract, she discharged this responsibility through the familiar expedient of the family photograph album. With this between them, the two women were able to go through the required form of avoiding silences.

She is really entertaining: I have been reading her works, which she lends out in manuscript; but they are too womanish: I like few of her performances." Lady Mary was, of course, entirely ignorant of Horace Walpole's feelings about her, of which naturally he showed no sign in social intercourse with her.

The dinner was very good, and Madame Biot was at great pains in placing every one. Those present were Monsieur and Madame Arago, Monsieur and Madame Poisson, who had only been married the day before, and Baron Humboldt. The conversation was lively and entertaining. The consulate and empire of the first Napoleon was the most brilliant period of physical astronomy in France.

His chin settled upon his crossed arms as he continued to take stock of this compatriot of the highways. "Oh!" Selby was enlightened and a little disconcerted. This was not turning out as he had expected. He had diagnosed a tourist, and now discovered that he had been entertaining a job-seeker unawares.

He was considering the wide sunlit meadow, where the green and the gold, yea, and the very elm shadows, as well as the distant hills, were spiritualized by the slight soft haze. "Why, what is there to see, Basil?" inquired his cousin Gertrude. "The sky." "You don't think that is entertaining, I hope? If you were a polite man, you would have said something else."

The negligence was scarcely his fault, however; for Cyrus Garst, who had never before undertaken the responsibility of entertaining a pair of inexperienced boys in woodland quarters, had not, at this early stage of the trip, arranged with his comrades to fire a certain number of shots to signify "Help wanted!" if one of them should stray, or otherwise get into trouble.