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"Yes, mon Colonel, we have both done our course, and were on holiday in Germany when war broke out and prevented us from returning. We are very anxious, mon Colonel, to join in the fighting." The old Colonel's eyes sparkled as he listened to Henri's rejoinder, and, with Gallic enthusiasm, he smacked both young fellows heartily on the back. "Bon! It is fine to hear you, mes enfants.

Miss Eleanor Scaife was gouvernante des enfants de New Lindsey; but she found the duty of looking after two small children, shared as it was with a couple of nurses, not enough to occupy her energies. So she organised the hospitality of Government House, and interested herself in the political problems of a young community. In the course of the latter pursuit, a study of Mr.

As for the other boy, whoever he is, you can use your influence" a purely secular light flickered in the chaplain's eye "in any way you please to to dissuade him. That's all. I'll leave it to you. Good-night, mes enfants." "Well, what are we goin' to do?" Number Five stared at each other. "Young Clewer would give his eyes for a place to be quiet in. I know that," said Beetle.

"Does anybody know where Papa Claude is?" Rose demanded, dexterously ladling out steaming Welsh rabbit on to slices of crisp brown toast. "He is here, mes enfants, he is here!" cried a joyous voice from the hall, followed by a presence at once so exuberant and so impressive that Quin stared in amazement. "This is Quinby Graham, grandfather," said Cass, by way of introduction.

In the morning in his bedroom, often in his bed, he rehearsed roles in his former repertory; and the Delobelle ladies trembled with emotion when they heard behind the partition tirades from 'Antony' or the 'Medecin des Enfants', declaimed in a sonorous voice that blended with the thousand-and-one noises of the great Parisian bee-hive.

The high-roofed burgher houses, with their decorated fronts, had an "unsubstantial faery" look, under the strange rich light; and the front of the Cathedral, with its single delicate spire, soared, one suffusion of rose, to an incredible height above the narrow street below. "Allons, enfants de la patri-e!" But a motor-car is scattering the children, and an ordonnance descends.

No one regarded the performance at all till the singer appeared, clad in white, the French liberty cap upon her head, a great tricolor draped in her arms. Then the house rose in a storm of applause; every one in the vast audience was on his feet. "'Allons, enfants de la patrie," began the singer in a magnificent contralto, her eyes flashing. The house hung breathless.

But there was worse to come! The rest of the sentence was lost to us in the loud laugh of the genial, good-tempered woman: "Moi, Mademoiselle! J'ai été mariée vingt ans et j'ai six enfants!" The whole scene was too funny for words, and, with the exception of this good lady, all present took themselves as seriously as a University don!

En nos âmes d'enfants, les seuls noms des victoires Prenaient un sens mystique evocateur de gloires; On ne rêvait qu'assauts et combats; a nos yeux Un général vainqueur etait l'égal des dieux. Rien ne semblait ternir l'éclat de ces conquétes. Les batailles prenaient des allures de fêtes Et nous ne songions pas qu'aux hurrahs triomphants Se mêlaient les sanglots des mères, des enfants.

The maid ushered the wondering girls to Ma'amselle's apartments and found her in her dressing-room, in the hands of her maid, who was assisting her in a hasty toilette. The tears were rolling down the old lady's cheeks, and she seemed to be in a state of trembling agitation. "Ah, mes enfants" she cried, "but it is news of the most dreadful! Mon Henri, my well-beloved nephew, his arm, it is broken!