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Indeed, before the close of the day, Rosaline privately informed her mistress, "qu'elle serait entêtée sûrement de cet enfant dans trois jours;" and "que son regard vraiment lui serrait le coeur."

'E 'ave white spots all over 'im on 'is chest and what you call 'is paws, and every evening she 'ave to paint 'im like she paint 'er face. Madame Moretti that was a good sort bonne enfant what you say? domestic not really of ze Circus at all. She like to wash up and cook leetle bonnes-bouches for supper.

"Mais, mon Dieu! mon enfant, que tu es belle!" Mary's deep blush, at her ignorance of the language in which her visitor spoke, recalled her to herself; she laughed a clear, silvery laugh, and laid her jewelled little hand on Mary's with a caressing movement.

"Not a line," answered the Baroness, with great naivete; "I never saw them." "Pauvre enfant!" said Madame Carolina; "I will employ you, then, while you are here." "I never read," said the Baroness; "I cannot bear it. I like poetry and romances, but I like somebody to read to me."

Nina, too, remembered her well, and Edith was never weary of hearing her tell of the "beautiful new mamma," who kissed her so tenderly that night when she first came home, calling her la petite enfant, and placing in her arms a darling little sister, with eyes just like the stars!

Maltby is a very gentlemanlike man, every inch of him, many as they are, and very conversable really conversable, he both hears and talks, and follows and leads. To MRS. BEAUFORT. EDGEWORTHSTOWN, Sept. 14, 1843. "Choisissez, mon enfant, mais prenez du veau." Choose, my dear Honora, whichever pattern you please, but take this which I enclose.

Rochester, proceeding from the depths of an immense easy-chair at the fireside. "And mind," he continued, "don't bother me with any details of the anatomical process, or any notice of the condition of the entrails: let your operation be conducted in silence: tiens-toi tranquille, enfant; comprends-tu?"

"I will not accept the Presidency to be the mere puppet of possible factions." "There speaks Ferdinand Lassalle! And now, mon cher enfant, you deserve to hear my secret." She smiled brilliantly. His heart beat a little quicker as he bent his ear to her customary whisper.

"He won't be anticipating the arrival of an old flame." She flushed a little, and Ralph continued teasingly: "You'll really have to be rather nice to him! He's paid pretty dearly for his foolishness in bartering love for filthy lucre." Penelope frowned at her husband, much as one endeavours to frown down the observations of an enfant terrible. "Don't be such an idiot, Ralph," she said severely.

He said, "Asseyez vous un peu, mon enfant, en attendant que je finisse de ces papiers," and she sat for an hour reading letters from celebrities which he tossed to her among others, perhaps inadvertently, from Mme. de Staël, proving the good baron's admiration for Corinne to have been "warmer than friendship if colder than love." At a ball at Bonstetten's, as Mme.