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"Tiens! mon enfant" I heard her say as we turned away, "suppose they don't come back again!" We had promised to be gone not longer, than twenty minutes, or at most half an hour. Müller led the way straight to the Toison d' Or. I took him by the arm as we neared the gate. "Steady, steady, mon gaillard" I said. "We don't order our dinner, you know, till we've found the money to pay for it."

In place of the quiet monotony of the march, relieved only by the cracking of the whip, and an 'avance donc! enfant de garce! shouts and songs resounded from every part of the line, and our evening camp was always the commencement of a feast, which terminated only with our departure on the following morning.

She did not move, and Soeur Lucie touched her gently. "It is time to take your medicine, mon enfant," she said. Madelon turned round then, and taking the glass, drank off the contents without a word; as she gave it back to the nun, something in her face or expression, fairly startled the little sister. "Why, whatever is the matter, mon enfant?" she cried, "you must have been dreaming, I think."

Mademoiselle lit the gas with great energy, and then turned to me, her great black eyes shining. "Now what do you want, mon enfant? here is everything." "Is there anything about Egypt?" "Egypt! Are you in Egypt? See here look, here is Denon here is Laborde; here is two or three more. Do you like that? Ah! I see by the way your grey eyes grow big. Now sit down, and do what you like.

Pardon, Reine des Anges et des hommes! pardon de ce qu'apres avoir recu de vous tant de marques, par lesquelles vous m'avez convaincu que vous m'avez adopte pour votre fils, j'ai eu l'ingratitude pendant des annees entieres de me comporter encore plutot en esclave de Satan qu'en enfant d'une Mere Vierge.

Of course the duke could write poetry if he pleased, something, I dare say, in the way of the great Conde; that is, something warlike and heroic, I'll be bound. Let's hear!" "Telle est du Ciel la loi severe Qu'il faut qu'un enfant ait un pere; On dit meme quelquefois Tel enfant en a jusqu'a trois." "Conde write such stuff! I don't believe it."

When he saw her in her short frock come out of the door, saw her quick movements, and her lively signals to him with parasol or hat or flowers, the quay, the ships, the bales, the barrels, the air, the noise, the crowd, all seemed to play and sing, "Enfant! si j'etais roi je donerais l'empire, Et mon char, et mon septre, et mon peuple a genoux," and he ran to meet her.

Should General Keith offer you civilities, do not decline them; but return them, however, without being 'enfant de la maison chez lui': say 'des chores flatteuses' of the Royal Family, and especially of his Prussian Majesty, to those who are the most like to repeat them.

I have said that I never returned home during my three years' school life in Paris; but portions of my holidays were spent with a French family, kind friends of my parents, who received me as an enfant de la maison among them. They belonged to the petite bourgeoisie of Paris. Mr.

After a while they found a pitiful little heap of sodden rags, lying at the foot of a mound of earth and stones thrown upon the side of the track. It was Titee with a broken leg, all wet and miserable and moaning. They picked him up tenderly, and started to carry him home. But he cried and clung to the mother, and begged not to go. "Ah, mon pauvre enfant, he has the fever!" wailed the mother.