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Stand aside, my sister, stand aside." "Giulio Franzini, I stand between you and her; you shall strike me to the earth before you can touch even the hem of her robe!" "What, my sister! you turn against me?" "And unless you instantly retire and leave her free, I will unmask you to the emperor." "Too late, /mon enfant!/ You will sail with us.

So for a room apart and for ordering dinner, and for putting out the other travellers, they'll charge you a price unheard of even in the capital...." But he was in distress, in real distress. "Assez, mon enfant, I beseech you, nous avons notre argent et apres, le bon Dieu.

Upon this the sergeant produced some bread and meat from his wallet, and drawing forth a knife divided it into two equal parts, one of which he offered me, saying, "Come, mon enfant, eat and be merry while you have the opportunity. We have a long tramp before us, and for you there is probably a still longer journey afterwards; still, do not let that spoil your appetite.

To the Federalists his progress from the tobacco-fields to the Elysian Heights of office was but another burning sign of the degeneracy of the times and the tendencies of Jefferson. On the other hand, the Republicans quoted the Rights of Man and the Declaration of Independence, and made the name of Lewis Rand as symbolic as a liberty pole. He was bon enfant, bon Républicain.

On dismissing me, he did indeed call me to him, and giving me his hand to kiss a second time, he observed: 'Suzanne, la mort de votre mere vous a privee de votre appui naturel; mais vous pourrez toujours compter sur ma protection, but with the other hand he gave me at once a slight push on the shoulder, and, with the sharpening of the corners of the mouth habitual with him, he added, 'Allez, mon enfant. I longed to shriek at him: 'Why, but you know you're my father! but I said nothing and left the room.

This feeling, however, slowly subsided, especially after assuring himself, by the aid of his chamber-lamp, that the note was a genuine one, and not, as he had half feared, a valueless deception. 'This Monsieur Derville, drowsily murmured Bertrand as he ensconced himself in the bed-clothes, 'is a bon enfant, after all a generous, magnanimous prince, if ever there was one.

The paper slid away; he put both arms about her, and bowed his head on hers. She put up her small hand, and felt the tears on his cheek. Then a still stronger repentance woke up in her. 'Pauvre enfant! she said, pushing herself away from him, and tremulously drying his eyes. 'Poor Monsieur David I make you very unhappy! But I warned you oh, I warned you!

"Well, what is it, ma petite?" she added, coming back to the bedside. "What what was it Soeur Ursule was saying to you just now?" asks Madelon. "Just now!" cried Soeur Lucie, taken aback; "why, I thought you were asleep." "No, I was not asleep," Madelon answered, "I only had my eyes shut." "But that is very naughty, mon enfant, to pretend to be asleep when you are awake."

"Mademoiselle Valerie de Chatenoeuf, you are une enfant. I will no longer trouble myself with looking out for a husband for you. You shall die a sour old maid," and Monsieur Gironac left the room, pretending to be in a passion. A few days after the meeting with Count de Chavannes, Lionel made his appearance. My heart beat quick as I welcomed him.

In anticipation of events I will quote the few first lines of the letter to Darya Pavlovna, which she actually received the following day: "Mon enfant, my hand trembles, but I've done with everything. You were not present at my last struggle: you did not come to that matinee, and you did well to stay away.