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Names have been further distinguished into univocal and æquivocal: these, however, are not two kinds of names, but two different modes of employing names. A name is univocal, or applied univocally, with respect to all things of which it can be predicated in the same sense; but it is æquivocal, or applied æquivocally, as respects those things of which it is predicated in different senses.

As the society was small, pious teachers could not be secured, and they were under the necessity of employing persons of good moral character, or of abandoning the school altogether. Few, perhaps, are more sensible of the advantage of pious teachers, than myself: and, whenever it is possible, I would have no others in a school.

Employing a street urchin to lead his horse to its stable, he struck out on foot for the Flats. At the tawdry concert hall everything was as it should be, and in the brief interval before the arrival of the Poles he received inspiriting news from one of his workers. Money was flowing, buckets of it, but beyond doubt they held the longer purse.

"They wouldn't reserve at two hotels, would they?" "By whom," concluded Average Jones, shaking his head at the interruption. "Find out who occupied or reserved the apartments on either side." Mr. Thomas Colvin McIntyre lifted a wrinkling eyebrow. "Really, Jones," he observed, "you seem to be employing me rather in the capacity of a messenger boy."

One terrible power he gave me the power of raising a demon. I shuddered at the thought of employing it, until it became my only means of saving my life a life that you prized. For your sake I performed the mystic rites in the sepulchre of St. Clare. For your sake I will perform them again." "No, no, Matilda!" cried the monk, "I will not ally myself with God's enemy." "Look!"

This greater action than natural of the primary part of these associated motions, by employing or expending the sensorial power of irritation belonging to the whole associated train of motions, occasioned torpor, and consequent pain in the secondary part of the associated train; which was possessed of greater sensibility than the primary part of it.

The only force able to resist its advance was the Catholic Center, because the Catholic Church included among its members all classes in the community; while the Protestant Church, in the cities at least, was more generally composed of the employing class. From 1884 Bismarck had put Germany forward as an eager competitor for colonial acquisitions in Africa and the Pacific.

Falkner says he can't be far away, or they would have met him on the trail if he had gone towards the Summit." "Did they say anything more of Manuel?" "Nothing; though I am inclined to agree with you that he isn't trustworthy. But that again is the result of John's idea of employing native skill at the expense of retaining native habits."

However, it sometimes happens that, in the most severe shocks, the person who comes into immediate contact with the fish alone feels them. When the gymnotus is exhausted, or in a very reduced state of excitability, and will no longer emit strokes on being irritated with one hand, the shocks are felt in a very vivid manner, on forming the chain, and employing both hands.

Even the much more democratic effort to divide a proportion of the profits at the end of the year among the employees, upon the basis of their wages and efficiency, is also exposed to a weakness, from the fact that the employing side has the power of determining to whom the benefit shall accrue.