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Emilia turned her face to the mottled yellow windows. "Many sanks," repeated Mr. Pericles, after which the three continued silent for a time. At last Emilia said, bluntly, "I have come to ask you to take me to Italy." Mr. Pericles made no sign, but Sir Purcell leaned forward to her with a gaze of astonishment, almost of horror. "Will you take me?" persisted Emilia.

He devoted his remarks mainly to Cornelia, and cheerfully received her frozen monosyllables in exchange. The ladies talked of Organs and Art, Emilia and Opera. He knew this and that great organ, and all the operas; but he amazed the ladies by talking as if he knew great people likewise. This brought out Mr.

But Emilia walked with a hero: the dream of all her days! one, generous and gentle, as well as brave: who had fought for her, had thought of her tenderly, was with her now, having raised her to his level with a touch! How much might they not accomplish together: he with sword, she with harp?

"She supposed him to be an Austrian spy!" "Still he was her husband!" Emilia gave her features a moment's play, but she had not full command of them, and the spark of scorn they emitted was very slight. "Ah!" his tone had fallen into a depth, "how I thank you for the honour you have done me in desiring to see me once before you leave England! I know that I have not merited it."

Attention has often been concentrated on the passage in "Epipsychidion" which appears to relate Shelley's experiences from earliest youth until he met with the noble and unfortunate "Lady Emilia V., now imprisoned in the convent of ," whose own words form the motto to the poem, and a key to the sympathy which the writer felt for her: "The loving soul launches itself out of the created, and creates in the infinite a world all its own, far different from this dark and fearful abysm."

Oh, Merthyr! my darling brother! I thank God I love my brother with all my love! What a dreadful thing it is for a woman to love a man:" "I suppose it is, while she has nothing else to do," said Merthyr. "How did she come? why?" "If you had seen Emilia to-night, you would have felt that the difference is absolute."

Two had gained the victory over the rival candidates Don Perez was the favoured suitor of Donna Emilia, while Don Florez was proud to wear the chains of the lively Teresa.

Gould, "As to you, Emilia, my soul" he would address her with the familiarity of his age and old friendship "you are as true a patriot as though you had been born in our midst." This might have been less or more than the truth. Mrs. Gould, accompanying her husband all over the province in the search for labour, had seen the land with a deeper glance than a trueborn Costaguanera could have done.

Here he had not long remained, when the strange and alarming sounds which had been heard on the preceding night were repeated. The circumstance that now sunk in terror the minds of Emilia and Julia, fired with new wonder that of Ferdinand, who seizing a light, darted through the discovered door, and almost instantly disappeared.

On from dream to dream the music carried her, and dull fell the first words of the farce. Mr. Pole said, "Now, then!" and began to chuckle. As the farce proceeded, he grew more serious, repeating to Emilia, quite anxiously: "I wonder whether that boy Braintop's enjoying it."