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From all this reasoning I would conclude, that though the imagination of the female may be supposed to affect the embryon by producing a difference in its early nutriment; yet that no such power can affect it after it has obtained a placenta, and other organs; which may select or change the food, which is presented to it either in the liquor amnii, or in the milk.

Other instances are mentioned in the Section on Generation, which shew the probability that the extremities of the seminal glands may imitate certain ideas of the mind, or actions of the organs of sense, and thus occasion the male or female sex of the embryon. See Sect. We come now to those imitations, which are not attended with sensation.

Besides in many flowers the males are more numerous than the females, or than the separate uterine cells in their germs, which would shew, that the office of the male was at least as important as that of the female; whereas if the female, besides producing the egg or seed, was to produce an equal part of the embryon, the office of reproduction would be unequally divided between them.

I. Habits of acting and feeling of individuals attend the soul into a future life, and attend the new embryon at the time of its production. The new speck of entity absorbs nutriment, and receives oxygene. Spreads the terminations of its vessels on cells, which communicate with the arteries of the uterus; sometimes with those of the peritoneum.

There is another vegetable fact published by M. Koelreuter, which he calls "a complete metamorphosis of one natural species of plants into another," which shews, that in seeds as well as in buds, the embryon proceeds from the male parent, though the form of the subsequent mature plant is in part dependant on the female.

"Owing to the imperfection of language, the offspring is termed a new animal; but is, in truth, a branch or elongation of the parent, since a part of the embryon animal is or was a part of the parent, and, therefore, in strict language, cannot be said to be entirely new at the time of its production, and, therefore, it may retain some of the habits of the parent system." Erasmus Darwin.

And secondly, that as these fluids, replete with organic particles derived both from the male and female organs, are supposed to be similar; there is no reason why the mother should not produce a female embryon without the assistance of the male, and realize the lucina sine concubitu.

Secondly, there are new parts or new vessels produced in many diseases, as on the cornea of the eye in ophthalmy, in wens and cancers, which cannot be supposed to have had a prototype or original miniature in the embryon.

In wens, cancers, and inflammations, new vessels are formed. Mules partake of the forms of both parents. Hair and nails grow by elongation, not by distention. 3. Organic particles of Buffon. Rudiment of the embryon a simple living filament, becomes a living ring, and then a living tube. 2.

And that hence any changes of the embryon, except those uniform ones in the production of mules and mulattoes, more probably depend on the imagination of the male parent.