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Without warning his arms were around her, holding her fiercely to him, his face close to hers. "Elza! With you, defeat would be victory. And with you now if you would but say the word together we will surmount every obstacle. He was kissing her, bending back her head, and his grip upon her shoulder was bruising the flesh. No longer Tarrano, Conqueror of the universe, just Tarrano the man.

Yes of course. In just a moment...." His eyes, already dulled, swung about. "Who is that crying? There's no need to cry." It was little Elza beside me, struggling to suppress her sobs. Wolfgar's slow, labored voice demanded: "That isn't my Princess Maida crying is it? I don't want her to cry " "No," said Georg gently. "Maida is here right here by you. She isn't crying."

Elza, Ulrich was to be your bridegroom, was he not?" "What is the use of talking about it now?" asked Elza, vehemently. "He is YOUR bridegroom, he has sworn eternal fidelity to you, and I shall not dispute him with you. Marry him and be happy." "And would your Lizzie be happy if her Elza were not content with her?" asked Eliza, tenderly.

It was all of that; but oh! it was more than that as well. My Elza, raising her tear-stained face and kissing me. Murmuring, "Jac, I love you!" Murmuring her love: "Jac dear, you're safe! I've wanted so long to be with you again I've been so frightened so frightened " Giving me back my kisses unreserved; holding me with eager arms ... Tarrano? The memory of him came to me.

"Then implore me by your name, by your sweet face," he interrupted her, enthusiastically. "I implore you from the bottom of my heart," she continued, without taking any notice of his words, "bring my Elza back to me.

A great joy had fallen to her share to-day, for Ulrich von Hohenberg had arrived early in the morning, and with him his uncle, old Baron von Hohenberg, and his daughter Elza.

"Long live Miss Elza, the loyal daughter of the Tyrol!" "Thank you," said Elza, smiling. "I think I shall prove my loyalty when dangers and war beset us. I shall establish here in the castle a hospital for our wounded, and the women of Windisch-Matrey will assist me, scrape lint, and help me to nurse the wounded.

From the garden where Tarrano was talking with Elza, the Mars man Wolfgar led us to the tower in which we were to be imprisoned. Quite evidently it had been placed in readiness for us. A tower of several rooms, comfortably equipped. As we crossed the lower bridge and reached the main doorway, Wolfgar unsealed a black fuse-box which stood there, and pulled the relief-switch.

Therefore, I implore you, dear, all-powerful commander-in-chief of the Tyrol, save the old baron's life, restore my Elza to me, and release them both from their captivity.

But she felt that Elza's lips quivered, that she did not return the kiss, nor press the friend to her heart; and it seemed to Eliza as though a cold hand suddenly touched her heart and pressed it rudely and cruelly. She raised her head from Elza's shoulder, and looked her full in the face. It was not until now that she saw how pale Elza was, how red her eyes with weeping, and how forced her smile.