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"Yes, I could," said Elspeth, who had been won over by Miss Ailie; "it will be so fine, Tommy, to see you again after I hinna seen you for three hours." Tommy was little known to Mr. Cathro at this time, except as the boy who had got the better of a rival teacher in the affair of Corp, which had delighted him greatly.

Dame Elspeth sate pulling the thread from her distaff; Tibb watched the progress of scalding the whey, which hung in a large pot upon the crook, a chain terminated by a hook, which was suspended in the chimney to serve the purpose of the modern crane.

They shall look back in after years and say 'Do you remember that feast we had when the loveliest of all the angels came down from heaven and was married to that delightful Englishman? Briton, I ought to say! I do wish our dear old Lady Elspeth could be here. How she would enjoy it!

He wore an otter skin cap that covered his ears, and a great cloak of sheepskins. "Give you good day, my lord," said the old woman, her eyes brightening as she offered him a seat beside the fire. "Knew you ever so cold a day as this, Elspeth? By the rood, but the frost bites keenly! And you, how can you live in this cold cell? It grieves me to see you here.

The chug-chug of an approaching automobile drew their attention to the road, and Allee exclaimed, "There's Hicks now!" "It's Hicks' machine, but that ain't him driving," answered Peace, studying the car slowing up in front of the gate. "Hicks always comes up the driveway, too. Why, it's Saint John and Elspeth!"

But the window fascinated him; he knew he should never find courage to come here again, and he glided toward it, signing to Elspeth to accompany him.

Often Grizel illustrated her words by a sort of pantomime, as when she sat down on a chair and placed the doll in her lap, then sat down on her mother's lap; and when she had done this several times Tommy took Elspeth into the field to say to her: "Do you no see? She means as she is the Painted Lady's bairn, just the same as the doll is her bairn."

"I trust her visit may not need to be a very extended one, but Lady Elspeth is such a tower of strength to all who seek her help that she is not likely to return so long as she can be of any possible assistance to her friends. "For reasons which, perhaps, I need not particularise, her sudden departure is to me a loss beyond its apparent magnitude.

She asked it of David in such a way that he never knew she was putting him to the question. He merely thought that he and she were having a pleasant chat about Elspeth, and, as a result, she decided that he loved Elspeth because she was so helpless. His head sat with uncommon pride on his shoulders while he talked of Elspeth's timidity.

Enchantment ... the more real, perhaps, for not being the most obvious.... So you are enchained, witched, held by the great sorceress!... Elspeth is only one of her little names her great name is just love love between man and woman.... Oh yes, the whole of the sweetness is distilled into one honey-drop the whole giant thing is shortened into one image the whole heaven and earth slip silkenly into one banner, and you would die for it!