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Tennis seems to have been the rage at Cambridge during the sixteenth century, and the tennis-courts became sources of revenue in the Elizabethan time, It is clear that by this time the old severity and rigour had become relaxed, the colleges had become richer, and in another hundred years the combination-rooms had become comfortable and almost luxurious before the seventeenth century closed.

This curious tableau is a striking example of the Elizabethan 'Dumb Show' lingering on to Restoration days. It must be confessed that Mrs. Behn has made an excellent use of this technical contrivance.

It was assisted by the further specialization consequent upon the industrial revolution; while the agricultural labourer gave up spinning under the stress of factory competition, the spinner deserted his cottage and four acres in the country, to seek a dwelling near the factory which employed him; and the Elizabethan Act, insisting upon the allocation of four acres to each new cottage built, was repealed.

This statement shows the Elizabethan desire to master the entire world of the New Learning. Instead of helping his nephew, however, Lord Burleigh seems to have done all in his power to thwart him. Bacon thereupon studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1582. Bacon entered Parliament in 1584 and distinguished himself as a speaker.

Even Aristotle, in this as in other things the 'master of those who know', devotes no inconsiderable space of the Poetics to technical matters such as the analysis of vocal sounds, and the aptness of different metres to different forms of poetic thought. There is another matter in which the methods of Elizabethan critics run side by side with those of the early Greeks.

were gathered into one vial, it could not surpass the odor from patches of flowers in Marlowe's garden. These seven lines represent better than pages of description the aspiring spirit of the new Elizabethan Renaissance. Birthplace and Parents. William Shakespeare, the greatest of the world's writers, was born in Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire.

Like the fat boy in Pickwick he wants to make our flesh creep. List! List! O List! My flesh hears him: creeping, hears. If thou didst ever... What is a ghost? Stephen said with tingling energy. One who has faded into impalpability through death, through absence, through change of manners. Elizabethan London lay as far from Stratford as corrupt Paris lies from virgin Dublin.

Allied to these is another trait truthfulness. To speak the truth in word and action, to the verge of bluntness and offense and with more relish sometimes because it is individually obnoxious and unlovely is an English trait, clearly to be traced in the character of this people, notwithstanding the equivocations of Elizabethan diplomacy, the proverbial lying of English shopkeepers, and the fraudulent adulteration of English manufactures.

The conditions under which early Elizabethan plays were sometimes produced are thus described by Sir Philip Sidney: "You shall have Asia of the one side, and Africa of the other, and so many other under-kingdoms, that the player when he comes in, must ever begin with telling you where he is, or else the tale will not be conceived.

She had read and reread them cullings from Chaucer, from Spenser, from the Elizabethan lyrists, the border balladry, fierce, tender, oh, so human till she knew pages of them by heart, and their vocabulary influenced her own, their imagery tinged all her leisure thoughts. It seemed to her, whenever she debated returning them, that she could not bear it.