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Furthermore, chemistry could help investigate various medications customarily employed in medicine, where "there hath not yet been sufficient proof given of their having any medical virtues at all." Boyle believed that by proper chemical analysis he could isolate active components, or, contrariwise, by failing to extract any valuable component, he could eliminate that medicine from use.

When Jill arrived at the theatre at four o'clock for the chorus rehearsal, the expected blow had not fallen. No steps had apparently been taken to eliminate the thirteenth girl whose presence in the cast preyed on Mr. Goble's superstitious mind. But she found her colleagues still in a condition of pessimistic foreboding. "Wait!" was the gloomy watchword of "The Rose of America" chorus.

Is there coming a time when the "man with the hoe" will be the true picture of the American farmer, with a low standard of living, without ideals, without a chance for progress? We must eliminate the mossback. It is to be done largely by education and by co-operation. There must be a campaign for rural progress.

But he did not go any farther than the wolf-den, and he spent a couple of hours removing as well as he could any suspicious traces of having dug anything more than wolf pups from the bank on the ledge. The trouble with a man like Buck Olney is that you can never be sure of his method, except that it will be underhand and calculated to eliminate as much as possible any risk to himself.

"Sure we know the criminal, but to squelch him we have to learn his hangouts, study his modus operandi, and learn how to make his victims secure from his activities. Unless we do that, we can treat individuals from now to infinity and all we'll have is more cases. We have to apply modern criminology tactics eliminate the source of crime stop up the soft spots.

On the other hand, if we turn to Letty, the chance which, in the third act, leads Letchmere's party and Mandeville's party to choose the same restaurant, seems to me entirely justified. Entirely to eliminate chance from our representation of life would be a very unreasonable austerity.

"Because there was nobody here but me," was the simple and seemingly ingenuous answer. It gave them an unexpected surprise. Innocence would speak in this fashion. But then the bow the bow which was lying not a dozen feet from where they stood! Nothing could eliminate that bow.

Such a course would save the League from being still-born and would so interweave it with the terms of peace that to eliminate it would be to open up some difficult questions. "Of course the League of Nations as originally planned had one supreme object and that was to prevent future wars. That was substantially all that it purposed to do.

She said, "Stuff and nonsense" and when Aunt Jane says both stuff and nonsense I know there's nothing doing. Aunt Jane says she does wish I would eliminate the slang from my vocabulary. Well, I wish she'd eliminate some of the long words from hers. Well, Aunt Jane said stuff and nonsense, and that I was much too young to run around with silly boys.

But the work of the excitable little spool tender mentioned was finally so arranged as to leave her in better health than in the days when she was employed on piece-work, and the management was now endeavoring to eliminate the stooping at the bobbins.