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Will he ever forget the speaking of the beaming features of that beautiful creature, when she lifted her head and looked into his face? A frown darkened the matron's features as her élève returned to the curious group which was listening to the narrative of the older of the two strangers. It said: "What did you leave me for? Why this indiscretion?"

I cannot bring myself to regard literature as a craft, to me it is a sacred mission; and in hearing this "sovereign" boast of the tricks by which he maintains his state, I seem to listen to a priest who treats as imposture the religion he professes to teach. M. Savarin's favourite eleve now is a young contributor to his journal, named Gustave Rameau.

It was a holiday in honour of cette chere eleve of five-and-twenty years since, and the present pupils were from their several homes watching for the first apparition of the four greys from the King's Head, with the eight white satin rosettes at their eight ears.

I asked her if the townspeople knew about Friedrich Froebel, but she looked blank. "Froebel? Froebel?" she asked; "qui est-ce?" "Mais, Madame," I said eloquently, "c'etait un grand homme! Un heros! Le plus grand eleve de Pestalozzi! Aussi grand que Pestalozzi soi-meme!" "Je ne sais!" she returned, with an indifferent shrug of the shoulders. "Je ne sais!

Hearing a carriage stop before the door, and the bell ring, our heroine stole a glance from behind a curtain and recognized her cousin as she alighted. "Qu'avez-vous, ma chere?" demanded Mademoiselle Viefville, observing that her élève trembled and grew pale. "It is my cousin, Miss Van Cortlandt she whom I loved as a sister we now meet for the first time in so many years!"

The Abbe laughed with great glee; and that very evening sent off to his Court a most ludicrous spicy description of the whole scene of meeting between this amiable father and child; in which he said that young Billings was the eleve favori of M. Kitch, Ecuyer, le bourreau de Londres, and which made the Duke's mistress laugh so much that she vowed that the Abbe should have a bishopric on his return: for, with such store of wisdom, look you, my son, was the world governed in those days.

Griffon du Bellay, Ex-Clerk of the Navy; Out of employment. Coudin, élève de marine; Midshipman. Courtade, Master Gunner; Dead. Lavillette. In France. Coste, Sailor; In France. Thomas, Pilot; In France. François, Hospital Keeper; In the Indies. Jean Charles, black Soldier; Dead. Corréard, Engineer Geographer; Without employment. Savigny, Surgeon. Resigned.

These various reports threw me into a train of painful and uneasy reflections. Louis XV. had never before bestowed such marks of favour upon any <eleve> of the <Parc- aux-Cerfs, and the intrigue had attained this height with the most inconceivable rapidity.

We have beheaded one monarch, exiled three generations of kings merely to have a dictator, 'mal , mal fait, et mal élevé. There has been a rumour of a change of ministry, but no one believes it. The overthrow of Thiers would be the signal for a revolution, and the fortifications are not yet completed to master it. May not all these armaments be the precursors of some coup d'état?

«On a élevé par-tout de murailles