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I go my weekly rounds amongst those now happy families, and have experienced the truth of my wife's prophecy; for both my boys are advantageously disposed of, and, on the marriage of my eldest daughter, Phebe Fortune made her a present of one thousand pounds. Early in July, in the year of grace 1503, Lamberton Moor presented a proud and right noble spectacle.

Off with you! He next took the three apples out of his pocket and placed them all in the prettiest places he could find; after which he tapped them with his golden rod, and they became castles again. He gave two of the castles to the eldest sisters, and kept the other for himself and the youngest, whom he married, and there they are living still. How The Wicked Tanuki Was Punished

'The gentleman, who, as we should have before said, is the eldest son of a man of large reputed fortune 'There I knew he'd tell it. 'Oh, but he hasn't told it, said Norman. 'Doesn't the word 'reputed' tell it?

The eldest is called Sir Tirre, and he was hurt that same day that he was made knight, so that he may not ride. His shield ye shall have, for that is not known, I dare say, except in this place. And my youngest son is named Sir Lavaine, and if it please you, he shall ride with you unto the jousts, for he is of his age strong and brave.

Relying on what you had told me I sent for Bridget and we both told her we had made every enquiry and now refused absolutely to believe in her stories of five years ago that we were sure you were not the father of her eldest child. Bridget, for example, believed the postman was its father.

The will was duly arranged, drawn up and witnessed, and after the three witnesses had signed it, it was left, by the general's wish, in his own keeping. "I will send it to you to take care of," he said to the lawyer. "It will be safer in your hands than here, in my temporary quarters. But first I wish to read it to my wife, and ... to my eldest daughter ... if she arrives in time."

One morning, just as Obadiah was sitting down, his eldest son came in with the information that neighbour Dood's heifer had broken down the fence, entered the yard, and after eating most of the cabbages, had trampled the well-made beds and the vegetables they contained, out of all shape a mischief impossible to repair. "And what did thee do with her, Jacob?" quietly asked Obadiah.

Prince Leopold had had a somewhat suffering life from his childhood, and he died suddenly while abroad, on March 28, 1884, leaving behind his young wife and two little children, one of whom was born after his death. On July 27, 1889, Princess Louise, eldest daughter of the Prince of Wales, was married to the Duke of Fife.

Dora heaved a submissive sigh. Those three chubby, pretty little sisters of hers at home were very dear to her. And it was true they were "coming on;" Amy, the eldest of them was thirteen. She would not stand in their light. "There's one thing," she said a little more hopefully, "I'm sure it won't be me he talks to you a lot more, Bee."

Next door, for instance, in the twin house to hers, flaunted in the face of liberal divorce laws, was a young couple with five children. Honora counted them, from the eldest ones that ran over her little grass plot on their way to and from the public school, to the youngest that spent much of his time gazing skyward from a perambulator on the sidewalk.