United States or Jordan ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

When his circumstances compelled him to eke out his income by literary profits, he slid into the grooves of periodical composition, and resigned all thoughts of the labour required for any complete work, which might take much time and be attended with scanty profits.

He had apparently here to fall back on his own feeble constructive power, and was hard put to it to eke out his material to the proportions of a book. So careless, too, is he that he abstracts references from his source that are meaningless.

Reflects the new Veneering crest, in gold and eke in silver, frosted and also thawed, a camel of all work. Reflects Veneering; forty, wavy-haired, dark, tending to corpulence, sly, mysterious, filmy a kind of sufficiently well-looking veiled-prophet, not prophesying.

May refused his share of invitations to dinner with the neighbours in the county, Flora generally found that she could go under the Hoxtons' guardianship. Now have I then eke this condicion That above all the flouris in the mede; Then love I most these flouris white and rede, Soche that men callin daisies in our town.

Ultimately, it is the public which pays the price of piracy and other violations of intellectual property rights, goes the refrain. This is untrue. In the USA only few authors actually live by their pen. Even fewer musicians, not to mention actors, eke out subsistence level income from their craft. Those who do can no longer be considered merely creative people.

In this state of affairs it occurred to Mrs General, that she might 'form the mind, and eke the manners of some young lady of distinction. Or, that she might harness the proprieties to the carriage of some rich young heiress or widow, and become at once the driver and guard of such vehicle through the social mazes.

He asleep yet?" "Huh! Asleep?" said Carr with a sniff that expressed fatherly pride in no small degree. "Not him! Lit out o' here at break o' day him and that devil horse of his, wrangling the work stock. He's a mighty help to me. I ain't very spry on my pins since you know." To eke out the words he gave an extra swing to his twisted leg.

When they were arrayed with their good weapons, then spake soon Luces, the lord of Rome: "Quickly advance we to them; we all shall do well!" There were come with him five and twenty kings, heathen folk all, that held of Rome, earls and eke dukes, of the eastern world. "Lordings," quoth Luces then, "Mahoun be gracious to you! Ye are powerful kings, and obey unto Rome.

Some of the people are already getting up to go out, and stand for this last act, and will not mind the shouts of "Down in front! Down there!" which the boys eagerly join in, to eke out their bliss a little longer by keeping away even the appearance of anything transitory in it.

When the night came, he lay down and slept till midnight, when he awoke and heard a man's voice repeating the following verses: Life unto me is worthless, except I see the shine Of the flashing teeth of my mistress and eke her face divine. The bishops in the convents pray for her day and night And in the mosques the imams fall prone before her shrine.