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"If you don't give me my watch back safe and sound," ses Dicky Weed, in a trembling voice, "it'll cost you twenty pounds." "'Ow much?" ses the conjurer, with a start. "Well, I wish you'd told me that afore you lent it to me. Eighteenpence is my price." He stirred the broken bits up with 'is finger and shook his 'ead. "I've never tried one o' these old-fashioned watches afore," he ses.

Moses did not disclaim the implied compliment to his rigid honesty but answered: "Where is my head? Of course thou goest half-price. But even so where is the eighteenpence to come from?" "But it is not eighteenpence!" ejaculated Esther with a new inspiration. Necessity was sharpening her wits to extraordinary acuteness. "We need not take return tickets. We can walk back."

He slunk from college by the most secret paths he could discover, and plunged himself into his miserable lodging, where, for eighteenpence a week, he was allowed the benefit of a straw mattress, and, if his landlady was in good humour, permission to study his task by her fire.

The monthly amount appears to have been some 3 pounds 10 shillings: and has gone, all but the eighteenpence of sovereign pocket-money, for small furnishings and very minute necessary luxuries; as thus: "To putting his Highness's shoes on the last;" for stretching them to the little feet, and only one "last," as we perceive.

"Eighteenpence is 'er price for telling the future only, and, being curious and feeling I'd like to know what's going to 'appen to me, I went in and had eighteenpennorth." "Well, you're upset," said Mrs. Dowson, with a quick glance at him. "You get upstairs to bed." "I'd sooner stay 'ere," said her husband, resuming his seat; "it seems more cheerful and lifelike.

And, in the meantime, the sun has plumped his hot face into the water, and the moon has shown hers as soon as ever his back is turned, and Mrs. Dear, dear Maria! Is this the woman who, anon, braved the jeers and brutal wrath of swindling hackney-coachmen; who repelled the insolence of haggling porters, with a scorn that brought down their demands at least eighteenpence?

Van Torp arrived in London alone, with one small valise, for he had sent his man with his luggage to the place in Derbyshire. At Euston a porter got him a hansom, and he bargained with the cabman to take him and his valise to the Temple for eighteenpence, a sum which, he explained, allowed sixpence for the valise, as the distance could not by any means be made out to be more than two miles.

And the doctor gave him all that he had, the mean-spirited devil-dodger, and it was no more than eighteenpence. Now what should a man of courage do with eighteenpence? So poor Jack was forced to seize the parson's watch and trinkets as well, and thus it was that a second time we faced the Blind Beak.

A London growler would have taken them and myself to boot for eighteenpence, three of the packages going outside, and two, with their owner, inside. It is true that had I packed all my belongings in one huge box the same company would have conveyed them to the steamer for one and eightpence, which is the regular charge per package.

"They that earn it should have some of the power over it." "But about this wool; this eighteenpence! I wish I was a boy and could earn money. I wish mother would have let me go to work in the factory." "Come now, Bessy, I can have none of that nonsense. Thy mother knows what's best for thee; and I'm not going to hear thee complain of what she has thought right.