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Mr. Monday had clasped his hands on his breast, with the fingers uppermost, as painters and sculptors are apt to delineate them when they represent saints in the act of addressing the Deity, and his lips moved, though the words were whispered. John Effingham kneeled, and placed his ear so close as to catch the sounds.

Effingham and his cousin retired to their rooms long before the others, who continued their exercise with a freedom and an absence of restraint, that they had not before felt, since subjected to the confinement of the ship. "Our situation is at least novel," Eve observed, "for a party of Parisians, Viennois, Romans, or by whatever name we may be properly styled." "Say Swiss, then," returned Mr.

Effingham remarked, that "there did seem to be men so perfectly selfish, so much devoted to their own interests, and so little sensible of the rights and feelings of others, as to manifest a desire to render the press superior to all other power; not," he concluded, "in the way of argument, or as an agent of reason, but as a master, coarse, corrupt, tyrannical and vile; the instrument of selfishness, instead of the right, and when not employed as the promoter of personal interests, to be employed as the tool of personal passions."

"Of this I am aware," said Paul, for he and John Effingham had perused the remainder of the Monday papers together, after the fainting fit of the latter, as soon as his strength would admit; "and Captain Truck is now searching for an old passenger of his, who I think will furnish the clue. Should we get this evidence, it would settle all legal questions."

John Effingham, in particular; his man says he never anticipates change, and if a coat confines his arm, he repudiates it on the spot." "Well, it must be a satisfaction to serve such a companion, I think Mr. Dodge, sir, quite a feller." "Your taste, Toast, is getting to be observable, and by cultivating it, you will soon be remarkable for a knowledge of mankind. Mr.

Phineas, who would have given all he had in the world to be staying in the same country house with Violet Effingham, could not explain how it had come to pass that he was obliged to absent himself. "I suppose you were asked?" said the Earl. "Oh, yes, I was asked. Nothing can be kinder than they are." "Kennedy told me that you were coming as a matter of course."

With the death of Berkeley a main cause of discontent and insubordination in Virginia was removed. Though Culpeper and Effingham, who succeeded in turn to the governorship, made onslaughts on the liberties of the people, they acted, not from any overwhelming desire to make themselves absolute, but because they reflected the spirit of the Second Stuart Despotism.

There is nothing particular in owning to that." "But you admire her?" "Of course I do," said Phineas. "Ah, I see you are joking. I do amazingly. They say women never do admire women, but I most sincerely do admire Miss Effingham." "Is she a friend of yours?" "Oh no; I must not dare to say so much as that.

I know not how to act, Judge Temple; ought I, can I suffer Major Effingham to become an inmate of your family“Thou shalt he thyself the judgesaid Marmaduke. Thy father was my early friend, He intrusted his fortune to my care. When we separated he had such confidence in me that he wished on security, no evidence of the trust, even had there been time or convenience for exacting it.

Troubled though he was by his quarrel with Lord Chiltern, by his love for Violet Effingham, by the silence of his friend Lady Laura, for since he had told her of the duel she had become silent to him, never writing to him, and hardly speaking to him when she met him in society, nevertheless Phineas was not so troubled but what he could work at his vocation.