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As the realisation of his presence reached the dying woman's understanding, a smile of infinite gladness spread over her face: a rare, happy smile, which, as if by magic, effaced the puckered forehead, the wasted cheeks, the long upper lip, to substitute in their stead a great contentment, such as might be possessed by one who has found a deep joy, not only after much travail, but as if, till the last moment, the longed-for bliss had all but been denied.

Its breadth cannot so easily be determined; for, though bounded everywhere by the great ocean on the west, towards the east it spread out, in many parts, considerably beyond the mountains, to the confines of barbarous states, whose exact position is undetermined, or whose names are effaced from the map of history.

But when they perceived that the whites despised them as a mingled race, that the Revolution had not effaced the tinge of their skin, and the injurious prejudices which were attached to their colour; when they in vain claimed for themselves the exercise of civil rights, which the colonists opposed, they passed with the impetuosity and levity of their conduct from one passion to another, from one party to the other, and made common cause with the oppressed race.

The daughter of loneliness and seclusion estranged wholly from all familiar or female intercourse rather bewildered than in any way enlightened by the few books of poetry, or the lighter letters, she had by accident read the sense of impropriety was in her so vague a sentiment, that every impulse of her wild and impassioned character effaced and swept it away.

Binney says of him that, in the debates on the great constitutional questions, "he was confessedly the first man in the House. When he discussed them, he exhausted them; nothing more remained to be said; and the impression of his argument effaced that of every one else." His great triumph was his speech in the Jonathan Robbins affair.

The village of our childhood is always a cherished spot, never to be effaced from our recollection. The Osmia's life endures for a month; and she acquires a lasting remembrance of her hamlet in a couple of days. 'Twas there that she was born; 'twas there that she loved; 'tis there that she will return. Dulces reminiscitur Argos. At last each has made her choice.

The name of, a townland would instantly return with its appearance; and I could now remember the history of families and individuals that had long been effaced from my recollection. But what is even more singular is, that the superstitious terrors of my boyhood began to come over me as formerly, whenever a spot noted for supernatural appearances met my eye.

Nevertheless, the following fragment of an inscription, cut on the side which was sinking into the ground, might still have been distinguished in the moonlight: "Here lieth . . . Marie . . . died . . ." The finger of time had effaced the rest. When the young man had concealed his gun he again listened attentively, and still hearing nothing, resolved to climb upon the stone.

A soil maybe effaced, an evil name maybe redeemed, the past is not set and sealed, without the power of revoking what has been written. If I can win the right of meriting your mercy, I will throw myself on it without reserve; till then, or till death, you will see me no more!"

The house still remains; but the inscription unfortunately became effaced; though the following one remains, which was added by his son Virginio: "Sic domus hæc Areostea Propitios habeat deos, olim ut Pindarica." Dear to the gods, whatever come to pass, Be Ariosto's house, as Pindar's was.