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Yes, dere are six, and good children dat lofe us, and I say efery day, 'Oh, my God, but you are so good! and my life lofes you, for so much good I haf. Brita too iss happy. She vork hard, but ve do not care, and ve dink, 'Soon ve can rest a little, for it iss not so hard dere as here; and ve sail to America. "But, my lady, how iss it it vas all so bad? For vork iss not.

"That would tebendt," said Lindau, trying to control himself. "If you hat inheritedt your money, you might pe innocent; but if you hat mate it, efery man that resbectedt himself would haf to ask how you mate it, and if you hat mate moch, he would know " "Hold on; hold on, now, Lindau! Ain't that rather un-American doctrine?

Tales of slaughter come in efery day, and it iss said that Montcalm iss advancing on Albany itself." "I don't believe, sir, that he will come," said Robert. "The French numbers are much fewer than is generally supposed, and I can't think he will dare to attack Albany." "It does not seem reasonable, but there iss great alarm. Many people are leaving on the packets for New York.

Carefully watching the studious lad for a few minutes, he generally asked a series of questions: "Nicholas, did you knowed your lessons to-day?" "Yes, sir." "Did you know efery one dot you knowed?" "Yes, sir, every one," answered Nick respectfully, with a quiet smile over his father's odd questions and sentences.

"But, my lady, you know: you haf seen my little Brita. And efery day I look at her and see her going avay, so fast, so fast, and my heart breaks, for she is first of all. And den she iss gone, and still vork is not. You haf seen us. All de days dey say. 'Dere vill come vork soon, but it comes not efer.

The law is ag'in 'em, right is ag'in 'em, and every true friend of liberty in the country ought to be ag'in 'em." "Vhat ist der matter in dis coontry? I hear in Europe how America ist a free lant, ant how efery man hast his rights; but since I got here dey do nothin' but talk of barons, and noples, and tenants, and arisdograts, and all der bat dings I might leaf behint me, in der olt worlt."

"Maybe," continued Herr Schimmelpodt, "you think I vos afraid when I climb dot pole. But I wos not -I pledch you mein vord. It is nottings for me to climb flagpoles. Ven I vos ein poy in Germany I did it efery day. But I will not dake up your time mit idle remarks. I repeat dot I am not ein hero." The wily old German had played out his purpose.

"Everyting dat luxury shall sopply shall be for you. Not any qveen shall be more rich dan vat you shall be. You shall be respected like ein Cherman Braut. I shall hafe you to be free. Do not veep! Listen to me I lofe you really, truly, mit de purest lofe. Efery tear of yours breaks my heart." "Can one truly love a woman one has bought?" said the poor girl in the sweetest tones.

"That would tebendt," said Lindau, trying to control himself. "If you hat inheritedt your money, you might pe innocent; but if you hat mate it, efery man that resbectedt himself would haf to ask how you mate it, and if you hat mate moch, he would know " "Hold on; hold on, now, Lindau! Ain't that rather un-American doctrine?

"Gif only I vas rich enof to lif like dis efery tay " began the good German in a melancholy voice. But here Mme. Cibot appeared upon the scene. Pons had given her an order for the theatre from time to time, and stood in consequence almost as high in her esteem and affection as her boarder Schmucke.