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Now the cobbler was as patient about fishing as he had been about cobbling. From dawn to dark he stood on the banks of the little stream, without hooking anything better than an eel, or a few old shoes, that even he, clever though he was, felt were not worth mending.

The acme of this sinuosity of movement is reached with those long-drawn-out fishes the eels. Of these there are two gigantic species represented here the conger, a dark-skinned, rather ill-favored fellow, and the beautiful Italian eel, with a velvety, leopard-spotted skin. These creatures are gracefulness itself.

Now, if so be as how you have a mind to give him a salt eel for his supper, here am I, without hope of fee or reward, ready to stand by you as long as my timbers will stick together: and if I expect any recompense, may I be bound to eat oakum and drink bilge-water for life."

They have cost us no end of casts and flies already this season, not yet a month old. Experience proves, however, that ordinary salmo fario, or common brook trout, are the best for turning down; for the Loch Leven trout require deep water to grow to any size. When a boy, I made a strange recovery of an eel that I had hooked and lost three weeks before.

"Your mind is like an eel Heaven help the man that tries to get hold of it to do it any lasting good. You and I must have a good pray together some day." "Ah! your reverence, that would do me good soul and body," said Mr. Supple. "Let me now feel your pulse; it is very low. What is the matter?" "Starvation, overwork, and solitude. I feel myself sinking." "If I could amuse your mind."

He sat there, feeling like an eel in the skinning, and did not attempt to keep pace with the lawyer, who hunted figures into the centre of a woolly maze. The upshot of these calculations was: he would need help to the tune of something over one thousand pounds.

A piece of the eel was served to them in the same way, and Granny beamed with satisfaction as she watched her famished guests. "Aren't you going to eat, too?" asked Marie with her mouth full. "Bless you, yes," said Granny. "Every chance I get. You just watch me!"

Nicholas could swim like an eel, and all were amazed when, after swimming farther out than any of the others, he flung up his arms, uttered a loud cry, and vanished. They watched and searched, but nothing more was seen of him, and there was mourning among the English. But there was a Genoese galley in the harbor, and Nicholas had seen it.

"There were four of them, yeer honour a black one and two blue ones and a piebald one, with four legs and a bushy tail each with two horns on his head, for all the world like those on Father M'Cleary's red cow no, she was humbled it is Father Clannachan's I mane no, not his neither, for his was the parish bull; fait, I don't know what I mane, except that they had all horns on their heads, and vomited fire, and had each of them a tail at his stem, twisting and twining like a conger eel, with a blue light at the end on't."

A few species are destitute of any bony or scaly covering; and one of them the Electric Eel of South American rivers protects itself by giving a sharp electric shock to any creature that comes in its way! The eyes of fish are sometimes large, and they can see a long way, and also hear very quickly.