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"And that wouldn't be any great loss to the world, I judge," said the man from Kansas. But now Juanita interfered. "Oh, please do not throw heem from the train, señor!" she implored. "Even eef I do despise heem, I should not weesh to see heem keeled." Badger chuckled.

"You introduced me to her so that you might make eyes at that abominable valet of the secretary!" Pierre turned savagely to his protege. "Go! And eef you look at her, idiot, I haf revenge myself. Oh, I am calm! Bah! Go to zee stables, cattle!" And he rattled his pans at a great rate. Warburton was glad enough to escape. "I have brought discord into the land, it would seem."

"Oh, signor, eef all de police were lika you we be not afraid." Just then he dropped his eyes, and Burke noticed that his hand trembled as he suddenly reached for a big orange and held it up. The man spoke with a surprising constraint, still holding his look upon the fruit. "Signor, here's a fine orange. You wanta buy heem?"

For an hour he was gone, to return at last and stand staring about him. "The spike, they are all in this little section," he said finally. "I have cruise' all about here there are no more." "But why should trees grow spikes?" "Ah, why? So that saws will break at the right time! Eet is easy for the iron hunter at the mill to look the other way eef he knows what the boss want.

The Anna Maria lifted her weather bow easily to the even sea, and the two men on the fo'c'sle head swung on their feet unconsciously to the movement of the barque. "Eef it was only a fancy," said the Dago suddenly, "eef it was only a town in my mind, I don' want it no more." He made a motion with his hand as though he cast something from him.

"'All right, Ruby, said I. He was such a good, jolly old fellow, and while he was a man in years he was a boy in actions, and Ruby was the only name by which I ever called him. Nothing else would fit. 'All right, Ruby, said I, 'I believe I just know the boy for Leah. "'Veil, you know vat I will do. I don'd care eef he iss a poor boy; dot is all ride.

"What ees eet you laugh at, Juanita?" demanded Teresa. "Oh, eet ees the way the Yankee man he keep on making love," answered the girl. "One time I theenk I despise every gringo. One time I theenk maybe perhaps if I find one who have the great likeeng for me eef he be handsome, eef he be good I theenk maybe perhaps " "Oh! oh! oh!" cried Mrs. Gallup laughingly. "Eet ees the great change of the mind.

"I have an idea; eet ees a wondair." She turned to my friend. "Meester Carpentair, they tell me that you heal the pains. I think eet would be a vairy fine thing eef you would come to my parlor and attend the ladies while I give them the permanent wave, and while I skeen them, and make them the dimples and the sweet smiles.

The sound of that steam-drill is to me the most worse thing. That lode run through and come out by the rivaire, eef I am not mistake', Mistaire Steering. I go to buy that land to-night. You go back with Piney, please sair. Eef you come with me, you excite the question and the price. To me it will be sold without question. I am eccentrique, they say.

The big bridegroom came up and clapped him on the back, with the nearest approach to a gesture of affection that backwoods etiquette allows between men. "Jack, you're the boss fiddler o' this hull county. Have a drink now? I guess you 're mighty dry." "MERCI, NON," said Jacques. "I drink only de museek dis night. Eef I drink two t'ings, I get dronk."