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'I propose to Mademoiselle, said Madame, drying her eyes with a gentle alacrity, 'to profit of my visit for her education. But she does not seem to weesh wat I think is so useful. 'She threatened me with some horrid French vulgarism de faire baiser le babouin

"I weesh I knew what happened to the men," worried Deschaillon in his filed-down accent. "My quistion ixactly, Frinchy," nodded Hogan emphatically. "Misther Madden says 'Piffle, but Oi say where are they piffled to? Did they go over in a storm, or die of fever, or run crazy with heat?" "They didn't starve," declared Mulcher, "for some of th' fellows are in th' cook's galley now eatin'."

I have been seeking an opportunity to speak with you all the afternoon. You would not give me a chance. Every time I approached you ran away from me. Why did you do so, Juanita?" "Why deed you weesh to speak with me?" "I had something I wished to say. Juanita, I can't seem to find the words. I presume I'm rather excited. That's natural under the circumstances.

"I will leave you, now, zen, gentlemen," replied the Frenchman, in a tone of disappointment. "But I shall not go away before to-morrow. If you change ze mind or weesh to hear w'at I have to mek ze offer " "Thank you," nodded Jack. "But don't waste any more time on us, Chevalier. And now good-bye!" The Chevalier d'Ouray shook hands with them all most gallantly.

You mek' you' weesh wid all you' heart, bien! Yaas, I see, I see!" Breathlessly did Manuela learn that her lover was true, but "dat light gal, yaas, she mek' nouvena in St. Rocque fo' hees love." "I give you one lil' charm, yaas," said the Wizened One when the seance was over, and Manuela, all white and nervous, leaned back in the rickety chair.

One ventured so near as to sit up close to the lantern; the light showed its fat white belly, and the thing itself was like a dog begging, as big to my disgusted eyes. "He is aslip," a soft voice said. "Don't wake the poor devil," said another. "But I weesh to spik with 'im. Senhor Cole! Senhor Cole!" I opened my eyes.

"An' pooty blamed lucky it's ben for me, too," said Zac, in a joyous tone; "for as I don't know French, like Claude over there, I have to trust to you to keep up the conversation." "I not know mooch Ingelis," said Margot, "for I not understan de mooch of what you say." "O, you'll learn dreadful fast out here," said Zac. "But I not weesh to stay here so long as to learn," said Margot. "Not wish!

You will do well to take advantage of Madame's short residence to get up your French a little, and the more you are with her the better. 'I understand then, Mr. Ruthyn, you weesh I should resume my instructions? asked Madame. 'Certainly; and converse all you can in French with Mademoiselle Maud.

But, all de same, I tink you one very nice man; an' you safe my life; an' I sall not forget nevare; an' I weesh . Sall I tell you what I weesh?" "Yes, yes," said Zac, eagerly, with a strange thrill of excitement. Margot threw a quick look around. "Dees Monsieur de Cazeneau," said she, drawing nearer to Zac, and speaking in a low, quick voice, "I 'fraid of heem.

I have for you zee good news. Bryce Cardigan, she puts in the crossing to-day. One man of the law she comes from San Francisco with papers, and M'sieur Sexton say to me: 'Rondeau, we are whip'. Deesmess your men. So I have deesmess doze men, and now I deesmess myself. Mebbeso bimeby I go to work for M'sieur Cardigan. For Mademoiselle I have no weesh to make trouble to fire me. I queet.