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Edna did not regret her words to Sylvia, but she could not help connecting them with Miss Lacey's description of the girl's fagged appearance. So temperamental a creature as Sylvia would be prone to exaggerate a situation. Very well, Edna would take the earliest opportunity bedtime this evening for an open talk with her.

Wood's eyes filled as he noticed the wistful, lingering, loving gaze which the girl fixed upon it, until a grove of trees shut out the view; then the head bowed itself, and a stifled moan reached his ears. The engine whistled as they approached the station, and Edna was hurried aboard the train, while her companion busied himself in transferring her box of clothing to the baggage car.

"Edna, I shall never forgive you for not writing to me, telling me frankly of your failing health." "Oh! scold me as much as you please. It is a luxury to hear your voice even in reproof." "I knew mischief would come of this separation from me. You belong to me, and I mean to have my own, and take proper care of you in future.

Murray, and beside them were scattered half a dozen notes from unknown correspondents, asking for the autograph and photograph of the young author. Edna knelt on the floor, hiding her face in the arms which were crossed on the lid of the desk. The cripple came close to her and hesitated a moment, then touched her lightly: "Edna, are you ill, or are you only praying?"

"Edna, it is useless to tell you how devotedly I love you, for you have known that for years; and yet you have shown my love no mercy. But perhaps if you could realize how much I need your help in my holy work, how much more good I could accomplish in the world if you were with me, you might listen, without steeling yourself against me, as you have so long done. Can you, will you trust me fully?

"Couldn't I possibly stay and help the carpenters and have you go? I'd a thousand times rather. I hate to leave the island." "Nonsense," laughed Edna. "Where is your loyalty to the Mill Farm? Good-by," and she disappeared. It was not the reply she would have made yesterday.

So all that would be in your line of work, wouldn't it?" "I understand I understand. It would amount to nothing from the point of view of my special field of investigation," he answered a little sternly. "What reply did you make to him, Edna?" "I merely said that I would tell you of the offer; that I didn't know what you would think." "I wish you had refused it then and there."

Howell; but it was long before Edna fully recovered, and then she lay with her eyes closed, and her hands clasped across her forehead. Mrs. Murray sat beside the sofa weeping silently, while Mrs. Andrews briefly acquainted her with the circumstances attending former attacks. When the latter was summoned from the room and all was quiet, Edna looked up at Mrs.

I try to take it properly, and every one helps me, but I think I miss my Hatty more every day." "You want a change," returned Edna kindly, for she was much touched by the alteration in her friend's looks.

Oh! forgive me! You force me to say it because I knew that he was unworthy of any woman's confidence and affection." The mother's face flushed angrily, and she rose and threw her head back with the haughty defiance peculiar to her family. "Edna Earl, how dare you speak to me in such terms of my own son?