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The officers returned to La Salle with this report. Suffering from shipwreck and great destitution, it was necessary for him to economize, as much as possible, in his expenditures. He therefore decided to send some men to the Indians, to endeavor to obtain two boats in exchange for the blankets and a few other articles which they had picked up.

Neil had come from Naples on the morning train, very tired and worn with his trip to Egypt, and a good deal out of sorts because of a letter received from his mother in Naples in which she rated him soundly for his extravagance, telling him he must economize, and that the check she sent him a very small one must suffice until his return to England, where she confidently expected him to marry Cousin Blanche before the season was over.

Jocelyn saw, dimly, the spectre of coming trouble, and he added: "But, Nan, we must economize we really must." "Foolish man!" laughed his wife; "always preaching economy, but never practicing it." "Would to God I had millions to lavish on you!" he exclaimed, with tears of mawkish feeling and honest affection mingled as they never should in a true man's eyes.

"It's the cheapest, I expect, and I want to economize." "People always do as soon as they've got any money," reflected Duplay in a puzzled tone. "If you were on half-pay as I am, you'd never want to do it." "Well, I've another reason." This was already saying more than she had meant to say. "Which you don't mean to tell me?" "Certainly not."

Warren never saw him after that night. The next morning he determined to seek a more private boarding house, and economize his remaining funds, and seek more assiduously some business situation. He stepped to the bar to pay his board, handing the clerk one of the notes he had received in change for his last fifty-dollar bill.

"I've got to economize myself for a short time. After this week I shall earn fifteen dollars a week." "What business are you in, Mr. Wheelock?" "I am a journeyman printer. It is a very good business, and I generally have steady work. I expect to have after I get started again. Now, shall I give you some advice?" "I wish you would." "You don't know your way around New York.

The colonists were again shut up in Granite House, and as it was necessary to hermetically seal all the openings of the facade, only leaving a narrow passage for renewing the air, the consumption of candles was considerable. To economize them, the cavern was often only lighted by the blazing hearths, on which fuel was not spared.

De Vere she said, "If I know how to spend lavishly I know also how to economize, and henceforth none shall accuse me of extravagance." These were no idle words, for, as well as she could, she kept her promise; and though she often committed errors, she usually tried to do the thing which her children would approve. After a day or two Mr.

Letter from Rev. S.F. Jarvis on politics. The mother tells of the economies of another young American, Dr. Parkman. The son resents constant exhortations to economize, and tells of meanness of Dr. Parkman. Writes of his own economies and industry. Disgusted with Bristol. Prophesies peace between England and America. Estimates of Morse's character by Dr. Romeyn and Mr. Van Schaick.

That period may still be far removed, but whenever the assignats* become totally discredited, and it shall be found requisite to economize in the war department, adieu la gloire, a bas les armes, and perhaps bon soir la republique; for I do not reckon it possible, that armies so constituted can ever be persuaded to subject themselves to the restraints and privations which must be indispensible, as soon as the government ceases to have the disposal of an unlimited fund.