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The young people sat chatting and laughing and nibbling sweets until nearly ten o'clock. Then young Eastman took his leave. He was rather desirous to be gone before Captain Carroll returned.

Then the old dog and Nanny went home together. The Wooing of Bessy When Lawrence Eastman began going to see Bessy Houghton the Lynnfield people shrugged their shoulders and said he might have picked out somebody a little younger and prettier but then, of course, Bessy was well off. A two-hundred-acre farm and a substantial bank account were worth going in for.

We saw the Academy, and, oh, Curt! there are some very striking landscapes two by Gifford; and the cutest portrait of a girl by Wiyam Hunt. And your friend Bierstadt has a Western scene all fireworks! and, dear, Eastman Johnson was there and Kensett sent such a cunning little landscape. We lunched at Taylor's." She lowered her voice to a whisper. "Ailsa did look too cute fo' words.

For instance in this metaphor, which Aristotle quotes from Homer, "The arrow flew," "flew" is not the literal word to express the idea. Only birds fly, reminds the practical person. Max Eastman has pertinently called attention to the fact that it is only to rhetoric, which is a practical activity, that these figures are indirect expressions, or substituted names.

As it was, he chatted leisurely with Mr. Eastman, put on his hat, and walked away, saying to Susy, in a low voice, as he passed her in the hall, "My daughter, while I am so busy, and your mother is gone, I wish you would pay more attention to your little sister Alice. I am really afraid she is running wild."

Howard Eastman made haste to take the wads of paper out of his mouth, and to get off the arm of the chair; but Miss Carrol's face vanished, and they heard her open the hall door and pass out. Earle's face, meantime, had reddened to his hair. "What did she say?" inquired Howard, his eyes big with wonder. "O, never mind what she said! She was talking to me.

You see, times are hard, and if father had to pay a girl for taking my place at home, he wouldn't feel that he could afford me much finery. And the journey, too. But I have only to pay from Springfield to Boston, for Mr. Eastman has his own conveyance a nice big covered sleigh. And now all these beautiful things! I feel as rich as a queen."

Molly Eastman posed for that with Bagheera, Betty's largest cat, clutched tightly in her arms. When Bagheera heard the applause he struggled wildly to escape, nearly knocking Molly over as he leaped from her arms just as the curtain covered the frame.

"But," and she scanned her face, "but, now that I look at you, not quite the same Lucy Eastman not quite the same." "Older and plainer," she sighed. "Of all the nonsense!" exclaimed old Miss Pinsett. "You're not quite so shy, that's all, my dear." "I'm shy now," asserted Lucy. "Very likely, but not quite so shy as you were, for all that. Don't tell me!

When the Fifth Infantry was transferred in 1840 there was a second home-coming at Fort Snelling in that it was succeeded by parts of the First Infantry which remained until the year 1848. Captain Seth Eastman was in command at four different times during this period, and it was through his eyes that we can see Old Fort Snelling as it was.