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She gave literally a "striking" proof of the spirit that was in her at the Easter reception of 1886, when the wife of a Greek diplomat a beautiful woman, to whom her husband had been more than kind presented herself smilingly to receive the "salute courteous" from Her Majesty.

It was plain that she had come to the end of her powers of work for the present and she had calculated that only by not wasting a day, except for a week's holiday at Easter, could she get through all that had to be done before the Schools! She put Aristotle away and opened Mommsen, but even to that she could not give her attention.

But usages of this sort are not confined to the Latin Church; they are common to the Greek Church also. Every year on the Saturday before Easter Sunday a new fire is miraculously kindled at the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. It descends from heaven and ignites the candles which the patriarch holds in his hands, while with closed eyes he wrestles in prayer all alone in the chapel of the Angel.

The reason of this is the belief that our Saviour invisibly walks about the earth for forty days after Easter, that is, until Ascension Day. On the Thursday of Passion Week "Strashnaya Nedelli," i. e., "Terrible Week," is enacted in a very realistic fashion one of the last acts of our Saviour "the washing of the Disciples' feet." After the close of the second diet of worship at St.

He fetched one of the great Easter lilies from its vase. Placing this on her bosom, she folded her supple hands over it, closed her eyes, and lay still, looking like a Bakst version of the Maid of Astolat. Felicity's hints were usually sufficient for her slaves. Marchmont put away his cigarette, and proceeded with relish to recount the gossip with which, to his long finger-tips, he was charged.

It was Easter Sunday evening when we arrived at the Hotel Europa, and after seeing our luggage carried in, started out on a tour of inspection, and also to present our letter of introduction to Dr. S., the veterinary surgeon of Montenegro. We had not got more than fifty yards from the hotel when we were forced to beat a hasty and ignominious retreat.

"I think, Angus," she ventured once, "that you ought to remonstrate with Mr. McCandless in regard to 'If a man die. An Easter Anthem is an Easter Anthem, but after five renderings it is hardly fair to expect the congregation to behave as if they had never heard it before." "Quite so," said the minister absently. "Then may I tell him myself that it is your special request " "Certainly not.

Seated in a dark, linoleumed, humid back room, his heart and mind still groped after the mysterious meaning of the springtime jubilee. "Say, Tim," he said to the waiter, "why do they have Easter?" "Skiddoo!" said Tim, closing a sophisticated eye. "Is that a new one? All right. Tony Pastor's for you last night, I guess. I give it up. What's the answer two apples or a yard and a half?"

Two years ago my friend gave his first house party, and the duration of it included Easter Day, and so was, necessarily, in a happy season.

The first, of forty days, from the day after the Epiphany, in memory of our Lord's fast in the desert, after He had been baptized by John, which took place on the sixth day of January, according to the old tradition of the Church. The second was from the Wednesday in Easter week, to Whit-Sunday, to prepare himself for receiving the Holy Ghost.