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But they had begun to dawn upon him painfully here; they rose gradually into perfect clearness: all things seen at last as what they were; with huge submarine earthquake for consequence, and total change of mind towards Imperial Majesty and the drying of his Pragmatic linen, in Friedrich Wilhelm. Amiable Orson, true to the heart; amiable, though terrible when too much put upon!

And then, when we had cautiously rounded a hummock at the top, my steel helmet was blown off not by a shrapnel, but by the wind! I had neglected to tighten the chin-strap. Immediately below us I could make out scars like earthquake cracks running across the meadows the front trenches. Both armies were buried like moles in these furrows.

The dust put a girdle round the earth in thirteen days. Verbeek, loc. cit., p. 30. Connection of Earthquakes with Volcanic Action. The connection between earthquake shocks and volcanic eruptions is now so generally recognised that it is unnecessary to insist upon it here.

In spite of the premonitory tremblings, the true earthquake found Thomas Jefferson totally unprepared. He had been to town often enough to have a clear memory picture of South Tredegar the prehistoric South Tredegar.

As this ship lay very near the Endeavour, she could scarcely have avoided sharing the same fate, had it not been for the conducting chain, which fortunately had been just gotten up, and which conveyed the lightning over the side of the vessel. But though she escaped the lightning, the explosion shook her like an earthquake; and the chain at the same time appeared like a line of fire. Mr.

It is an earthquake that is threatening us." My undaunted uncle calmly shook his head. "Do you think," said he, "an earthquake is coming?" "I do." "Well, I think you are mistaken." "What! don't you recognise the symptoms?" "Of an earthquake? no! I am looking out for something better." "What can you mean? Explain?" "It is an eruption, Axel." "An eruption!

Yet the best adjusted clocks may have a lapse in a powerful magnetic storm, and in an earthquake they might even be tipped off the shelf, with their metal parts rendered quite as helpless by the fall as those of a human organism subject to the constitutional weaknesses of the flesh.

The train may run off the track, steam-boilers may blow up, there may be an earthquake, a wild bull may chase you, you may fall down a coal-hole and break your neck, or a building may topple over on you while you're walking peacefully along the street. No such things as those can happen to you on the ocean." "No, perhaps not, but there are others as bad, or worse, captain." "Nonsense!

But a little on in the night came such a clatter, and such an earthquake, that walls and roof shook, and groaned, and creaked. Then up jumped the lad, and took to his heels as fast as ever he could; nor dared he once look around until he reached home; and as for the hay, why it was eaten up this year just as it had been twice before. The next St.

Swift to the breach his comrades fly; "Make way for Liberty!" they cry. And through the Austrian phalanx dart, As rushed the spears through Arnold's heart! While instantaneous as his fall, Rout, ruin, panic, scattered all An earthquake could not overthrow A city with a surer blow. Thus Switzerland again was free, Thus death made way for Liberty!