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Thus, in Africa, where the poor creatures dy of the smallpox like Rotten Sheep, a merciful God has taught them an Infallible preservative. 'T is a common practice, and is attended with a constant success." What has come down to us of the first century of medical practice, in the hands of Winthrop and Oliver, is comparatively simple and reasonable.

They were all moving upon a common goal, as though drawn thither by the irresistible attraction of a magnet. From the lower reaches of the village, toward the eastern river, that better class residential quarter, where the houses, four in number, of Mrs. John Day, of Billy Unguin, of Allan Dy, and the local blacksmith were located, an extremely decorous cortege emerged.

He enumerates the following species of Myra, the character of which will perhaps be sufficiently understood by the Latin terms into which he translates the vernacular names, for the benefit of strangers not altogether familiar with the language and the subject: 1. Homyror, paludes graminosae. 2. Dy, paludes profundae. 3. Flarkmyror, or proper karr, paludes limosae. 4.

Now, lad, I can take you alone, horseback, which'll be far swifter, safer, surer " A new alarm, a new exaltation "Oh, no, my mist'ess; no, no! you knows you on'y a-temptin' o' dy servant!" "You wouldn't leave daddy and mammy?"

Three beautiful damsels appear from the pool, and are repeatedly pursued by the young farmer, but in vain. They always reached the water before him and taunted him with the couplet: "Cras dy fara, Anhawdd ein dala!" One day some moist bread from the lake came floating ashore. The youth seized and devoured it; and the following day he was successful in catching the ladies.

So that when I was trying to read or to reflect, it was by no means exhilarating to my mind to hear from the next room that: "The la dy ce sel i a now si zed the weep on and all though the boor ly vil ly an re tain ed his vy gor ous hold she drew the blade through his fin gers and hoorl ed it far be hind her dryp ping with jore."

The man advanced to the bench occupied by the seniors of the party, who welcomed him with the usual pretty Welsh greeting, "Pa sut mae dy galon?" The girl, evidently a village belle, was as warmly greeted by the young men, while the girls eyed her rather askance with a half-jealous look, which Owen set down to the score of her extreme prettiness.

And he looked down at her, splendidly protecting her, like Egmont at Clara in Goethe's play, or Leicester at Amy in Scott's novel. "Crossed in love is he? poor gentleman," said Fanny with a sigh, and her eyes turned round towards him with no little kindness and pity but Harry did not see the beautiful dark eyes. "How dy do, Mr.

Arbuthnot, and you might possibly suffer some inconvenience to-morrow. You, as a medical man, should understand the evils of dyspepsia." "Dy dy dyspepsia be hanged," I muttered, dreamily. "Tell me, friend by the by, I forget your name. Friend what?" "Friend Pythias," returned the stranger, drily. "You gave me the name yourself." "Ay, but your real name?" He shrugged his shoulders.

Its green sheet appeared to be a permanent waving feature of the main thoroughfares. The offices lay round a corner close by, and as we drew up in front of them a crowd of tattered urchins interrupted their diversions in the sodden road to celebrate our glorious arrival by unanimously yelling at the top of their strident and hoarse voices: "Hooray! Hoo bl dy ray!"