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He felt that his long experience as a salesman of dry goods had taught him how to reach the most vulnerable point in feminine armor. When it came to winning over Mrs. John Day to his side Allan Dy hadn't an earthly chance with him. But his smile slowly disappeared when the honorary secretary promptly rose to her feet. Kate Seton turned and addressed herself to the president.

Jimmy listened to a few lines: "Deep-en de woun' dy han's have made In dis weak, helpless soul, Till mercy wid its mighty aid De-scen to make me whole; Yes, Lord! De-scen to make me whole." A little negro child, perhaps three years old, was lying asleep on the ground at the woman's feet, in an old tattered gray blanket that might have been discarded from a stable.

Not his, this time, but the joint performance of the other occupants of the room, who, sitting up with their chins on their knees, half petrified by the horror of the first shriek, now gave themselves up for lost when the door broke open in the dark, and a gasping something staggered into the room. "There's some bo dy been mur dered," gasped Simson, "in the bo ot- box!"

"We too have much to complain of here; the lands are almost entirely taken possession of by Saxons, wherever you go you will find them settled, and a Saxon bird of the roof must build its nest in Gwyn dy." "You call a sparrow in your Welsh a bird of the roof, do you not?" said I. "We do," said he of the hat. "You speak Welsh very well considering you were not born in Wales.

He drank it at a gulp and passed the glass back. But his general attitude underwent no change. His eyes remained morosely fixed upon the poker players. Billy Unguin winked significantly at O'Brien and glanced at Charlie. "Queer cuss," he said, under his breath. Then he turned to Allen Dy, as though imparting news: "Drinks alone always alone." Dy nodded comprehendingly.

Maybe it'll rid the place of its evil influence, and so rid us of the attentions of the police. I tell you, Billy and Dy are perfect fools, and the folks are all mad. And I'm the greatest idiot ever escaped a home for imbeciles. There! That's how I feel. It's it's scandalous." Bill laughed good-naturedly. "Say, cheer up, Kate," he cried. "You surely don't need to worry any. It can't hurt you.

In the discharge of the high duty which you have just imposed upon me, it shall be my single aim to dy my part in so shaping the policy of the country, that we shall soon stand upon the high ground of permanent prosperity.

I get instead of dx and dy the real quantities x and y again, and am thereby no further forward than at the beginning, but I have thereby solved the problem over which ordinary geometry and algebra would probably have gnashed their teeth in vain. It is not otherwise in history. All civilised peoples began with common property in land.

"Toi qui as veu l'excellence de celle Qui rend le ciel de l'Escosse envieux, Dy hardiment, contentez vous mes yeux, Vous ne verrez jamais chose plus belle."* * Quoted in Mignet's "Life of Mary." "Vous ne verrez jamais chose plus belle." Here is an Alexandrine written three hundred years ago, as simple as bon jour. Professor Aytoun is more ornate.

The postmaster had just placed the message with the officers' mail when the two policemen entered. Fyles's expression was morose, and his manner repellent. McBain was grim and silent. "There's a goodish mail, Mr. Fyles," said Dy, without a trace of his real feelings, as he held out the bulky packet of letters. "That message has just come along over the wire."