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In your home, you are a good man. In Wall Street," he smiled, "pardon me, you are a highwayman, and you carry the ideals and methods of the Street into your duties as a churchman." "Pretty far apart for a pastor and deacon, then, don't you think?" "You ran the preacher away who preceded me, too," mused Gordon. The Deacon's eyes danced at this acknowledgment of his power.

Love of the Indians for Horses Scenes in the Arickara Village. Indian Hospitality. Duties of Indian Women. Game Habits of the Men. Their Indolence. Love of Gossiping. Rumors of Lurking Enemies. Scouts. An Alarm. A Sallying Forth. Indian Dogs. Return of a Horse Stealing Party. An Indian Deputation. Fresh Alarms. Return of a Successful War Party. Dress of the Arickaras. Indian Toilet.

Of course he has the power to do as he likes; and of course I have the power to do as I like also with what is my own." Lady Lufton was a very good woman, devoted to her duties, affectionate and just to those about her, truly religious, and charitable from her nature; but I doubt whether the thorough worldliness of the archdeacon's appeal struck her as it will strike the reader.

She looked at Nelville then cast down her eyes and though, at that moment, he took her hand and pressed it against his heart, she shuddered at the idea that such a man could sacrifice others or himself to the worship of opinions, of principles, or of duties, which he might have chosen. "Carpite nunc, tauri, de septem collibus herbas, Dum licet. Hic magnæ jam locus urbis erit."

There was an old trapper whose only cognomen among the civilized men of the border was "Whipsaw." Of course he must have had another, but none ever knew of it or cared to inquire. One day, while in his lonely camp attending to his duties, a Sioux Indian brought to him a captive Pawnee child about two years old. The little savage was stark naked and almost frozen.

In the presence of Caled, and of death, the unfortunate Jonas professed his belief in one God and his apostle Mahomet; and continued, till the season of his martyrdom, to discharge the duties of a brave and sincere Mussulman.

These reciprocal regulations had continued in force several years when the discriminating principle was resumed by the Netherlands in a new and indirect form by a bounty of 10% in the shape of a return of duties to their national vessels, and in which those of the United States are not permitted to participate.

The young leader's day dreaming was cut short, to jerk him back to his duties. He felt that the lives and hopes of everyone on the ship had been thrust into his hands. Even the captain didn't know where they were going. The ship had been chartered for a voyage of several months, to an unknown destination. He and the crew were well paid, and didn't care where they went.

As was said above, to give advice upon the question of the relation between men's wages and women's wages, should be one of the duties of the joint boards or councils in the various industries. The course to be pursued should be decided upon by balancing all of the interests involved.

He had always thought it hard that he could not have his own way entirely, and had been unsatisfied with a much greater degree of liberty than most people wish or have. He had hitherto led a wandering life, having no home duties, no school to go to, no trade to work at, no garden, or other pleasure, to fix him to one spot.