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If I had to be wan iv thim horny-handed sons iv toil, th' men that have made our counthry what it is an' creates th' wealth iv th' wurruld if I had to be wan iv thim pillars iv th' constitution, which thank Gawd I haven't, 'tis sthrikin' I'd be all th' time durin' th' heated term.

"Great happenin's have me an' Queen Victorya seen in these sixty years. Durin' our binificent prisince on earth th' nations have grown r-rich an' prosperous. Great Britain has ixtinded her domain until th' sun niver sets on it. No more do th' original owners iv th' sile, they bein' kept movin' be th' polis. While she was lookin' on in England, I was lookin' on in this counthry.

'Twon't be long before the long fall evenin's will be comin' on, and I kinder dread 'em. They're awful lonesome, Hepsey." "Purl two, knit two, an inch and a half " Mrs. Burke muttered to herself as she read the printed directions which lay in her lap, and then she added encouragingly: "So you get lonesome, do you, Jonathan, durin' the long evenin's, when it gets dark early."

No, it ain't a higher wage scale she's strikin' for. She's been boosted three times durin' the last six months, until she's probably the best paid lady cook on Long Island. And she ain't demandin' an eight-hour day, or recognition as chairman of the downstairs soviet.

Now I still has my knife wid me, and if I feels you begin to struggle, I shall be under de mos' painful necessity ob drivin' it into you to keep you quiet; so I hope dat you will lie most particular still durin' yo' little journey. You sabbe?" I nodded my head. "Dat's all right, den," resumed Caesar. "Now, Peter up wid him, and away we goes."

He's the one, you know, that poor old Pyramid Gordon rest his soul! picked out to round up all the hangover grouches he'd strewed behind him durin' a long and active career, with instructions to soothe the same with whatever balm seemed best, regardless of expense. And the hard part of it for Steele is that he has to get my O.K. on all his schemes before he can collect from the estate.

"Judson, I did not cheat durin' that game, an' I never did cheat, although gamblin was my business. You have become a fanatic on the subject o' truth, an' I propose to tell you some. You are a bully; you have bullied this girl in order to make her consent; and you are a coward, a miserable coward.

Given money to spend among members to secure the defeat of a bill, he would frequently put most of the money in his own pocket and for a comparatively small sum defeat it by influencing the employees through whose hands it must pass. "Sit down, Jake. Something to drink?" asked Peabody, reaching for a decanter. "No," grunted the lobbyist; "don't drink durin' business hours; only durin' the day."

Never could bear to shoot my gun even durin' o' the war, though I shot her 'bout as often as any of 'em, I reckon always used to shut my eyes right tight whenever I pulled the trigger. I reckon I was a mighty pore soldier, he laughed. I had heard that he was one of the best in the army. "'Besides, I always feel sort o' cowardly if I 've got a pistol on.

Dey called it a Foh Day Baptis' Chu'ch dat is, fer foh days you'se a Baptis', an' de rest de week you'se nuthin' 't all. Ole Zack wuz crazy 'bout it; in fac', he wuz de prime mover, cyarrin' on most of his op'rations durin' dem las' three days.