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Durand has had no such consideration shown him," said I. "I know, my child, I know; but the cases differ. Wouldn't it be well for you to see this and be satisfied with the turn which things have taken, without continuing to insist upon involving Mr. Grey in your suspicions?"

"You must tell me everything you know, Dick," she interrupted, looking me earnestly in the face. "But there is nothing to tell only a drunken brawl, and some one wounded." "And you are going to ride where, Dick?" "Well, over to the edge of Kerselec forest. Durand and the mayor, and Max Fortin, have gone on, following a a trail." "What trail?" "Some blood." "Where did they find it?"

I long to see that rare little girl blossom into a fine woman and she will if wisely guided, but with such a person as her aunt " "You don't for a moment think she will go and camp down at Severndale?" demanded Durand, stopping stock-still in consternation at the picture the words conjured up. "I don't KNOW a thing!

Durand, an old friend of Aubert, remembers the deceased saying to him, "One has nothing to fear from people one holds in one's hands." Fenayrou: I don't know what he meant. President: Or, considering the cruelty, cowardice, the cold calculation displayed in the commission of the crime, shall we say this was a woman's not a man's revenge.

There was something in it hardly human. For the first time in his life Jerry feared he was up against a better man. Was it possible that he could have killed the fellow at the first shot? The comfort of this thought whispered hope in the ear of the ex-prize-fighter. A chair crashed wildly. Durand fired again and yet again, his nerves giving way to a panic that carried him to swift action.

"Of all these memorials, the most curious that flattery ever elevated," Madame Durand writes, "is a collection of French and Latin verses, entitled, 'The Marriage and the Birth, which was printed at the Imperial press, and appointed by the University to be given as a prize to the pupils of the four grammar schools of Paris, and of those in the provinces, thereby assuring a ready sale.

Still more recent are Bastien-Lepage, Chavannes, Breton, Bouguereau, Dagnan-Bouveret, Lhermitte, Jean-Paul Laurens, and Dupre. About the year 1825 an American school of landscape-painters was founded by Thomas Cole, many of whose pictures were allegorical. Durand is one of those who excelled in landscape painting. MUSIC. In music, Germany in the nineteenth century held the palm.

Armitage, sitting on a boulder, turned his eyes wearily upon Durand, whose wrists Claiborne was knotting together with a strap. The officer spun the man around viciously. "You beast, if you address Mr. Armitage again I'll choke you!" Chauvenet, sitting up and staring dully about, was greeted ironically by Durand: "Prisoners, my dearest Jules; prisoners, do you understand?

"It might be well if Miss Van Arsdale herself would answer you," was the inspector's quiet retort. "What you have said may constitute all that we have against you, but it is not all we have against her." I gasped, not so much at this seeming accusation, the motive of which I believed myself to understand, but at the burning blush with which it was received by Mr. Durand.

This English gentleman has a reputation which lifts him far above any unworthy suspicion, and were it not for the favorable impression made upon us by Mr. Durand in a long talk we had with him last night, I would sooner resign my place than pursue this matter against him.