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He knows that dull, loud cough of an Archie shell, the hiss of a flying fragment, the wicked black puffs that creep towards their mark and follow it, no matter where the pilot may swerve. Should a friendly machine tumble to earth after that rare occurrence, a direct hit, all the sensations of an uncontrolled nose-dive are suggested to his senses.

"They were alive, and not much the worse for their queer adventure, although for some days they seemed dull and sore," was the reply. A Bear hunt in winter! No wonder the boys were excited when they heard of it. Yes, that was what it was, and a very interesting one at that. Mustagan was a famous hunter, as we have already seen.

We looked at each other that is to say, the boys looked at me and I at them, but we did not know what to say. "It is too bad a day for you to go out, I fear," continued Uncle Geoff, glancing up at the window from which only other houses' windows and a very dull bit of gray sky were to be seen. "It's not often we have bright days at this time of year in London.

But the point we wish to make is that neither society nor the law makes any allowance for the aberrations of human nature caused by dull and unpleasant weather.

I had no horses to ride, but I took pleasure in looking at them; and I had already attended more than one of these fairs: the present was lively enough, indeed horse fairs are seldom dull.

There were hunters and horses and dogs and ladies. Mary felt as if she were in the forest with them. Out of a deep window she could see a great climbing stretch of land which seemed to have no trees on it, and to look rather like an endless, dull, purplish sea. "What is that?" she said, pointing out of the window.

When this fades, when you unclose your eyes in clear daylight, dear, I dread to think what I shall appear to you what a dreadful, shrunken, bloodless shell, hung with lace and scented, silken cerements a jewelled mummy-case a thing that never was! … Do you understand my punishment a little, now?" "If it were true," he said in a dull voice, "you will have forgotten, too."

But it would be very dull by one's self, wouldn't it, even if one had a dozen men on What one wants is to have a small party all very friendly with each other, and at night they would sit up on deck and sing songs.

He seemed disposed to make the best of our dull life, and always had something that interested him to show us, a new flower, or curious shell, or some pretty Indian child. The last time we saw him was Saturday night. It must have been only a few hours before his death, but he appeared in his usual fine health.

There was something very touching in these evidences of the fresh country life which they had left for the dull atmosphere and steaming fogs of the metropolis.