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It was cosy in the drawing-room when the family collected and made a circle round the log-fire. By unanimous vote Diana's story was given first innings, and, seated in a basket-chair near the lamp, she opened her manuscript. "I thought I'd rather read it than tell it, if you don't mind," she said. "I'm a duffer sometimes at telling things.

Other society she had none, nor did she seem to desire it. Clara Demijohn, seeing the intimacy which had been struck up between Marion and Mrs. Roden, as to which she had her own little jealousies to endure, was quite sure that Marion was setting her cap at the Post Office clerk, and had declared in confidence to Mrs. Duffer that the girl was doing it in the most brazen-faced manner.

I am not a vain man, I think, but at this juncture I stood before the looking-glass and surveyed myself. For the first time in my life I could have wished that I had been better-looking. At last I turned angrily away. "What a duffer I am to be sure!" I said to myself. "If I begin to get notions like this in my head there is no knowing where I may end.

That egg thing sort of whetted my appetite." "Gosh, you fellows would keep me cooking all the time," grumbled the steward. "It's only five, and we don't have supper until six. So you can plaguey well starve for an hour." "Then I shall go to sleep and um forget the pangs of hunger. Move your big feet out of the way, Phil." "I like your cheek, you duffer! Go on back to your own bunk."

The stout gentleman roared with laughter, and slapped a stout leg with a stout hand. "Well, that's a good 'un!" he said, "as good a one as ever I heard. Why, you little duffer, they'd be dead long before you came back to redeem them, that's certain." "You'd have them while they were alive, you know," said Dickie gently. "What are they? Don't seem up to much.

He's the Man what's a sleepin' in the grave with the kid with the same name as that bright-eyed duffer who don't like Fluke nor me." Ann, mystified, glanced at Horace. Flukey turned slowly, opened his eyes, and murmured; "'Gentle Jesus, meek and mild, look upon a little " He sighed painfully as the last words trailed from his lips.

I love people to notice them. Now Dick is frock-blind. Why is that?" "He's a dear old duffer," said Austin. "I don't think he's happy," said Viviette, who, in her feminine way, had worked round to the subject of the interview. "He did seem rather cut up about the stables," Austin admitted. "But the things are an eyesore, and mother was worrying herself to death about them."

But he must have hit upon something, and then have been prevented from coming back." "Why should he have had such luck, after a few weeks' work, an unscientific fellow like him, if the secret of the mountain has been inviolate for over two thousand years?" "Wait and see what's happened to him before you call it 'luck, Duffer.

"You duffer!" growled Harry, steadying his rocking bed. "Hurt you? " this to Norah. "No, thanks," Norah laughed. "What's the matter with you two?" "Got an idea," Wally gasped, fanning himself with a pine cone. "Hurt you?" "Rather. It's always a shock for me to have an idea. Anyway this isn't mine it's Jim's." "Oh." Norah's tone was more respectful.

That duffer McNeil's the sickest looking duck I 've seen in a year, an' the whole blame bunch of cow-punchers is corralled so tight there can't a steer among 'em get a nose over the pickets." He glanced over the waiting scene of festivities with intense satisfaction. From bare squalor the spacious apartment had been converted into a scene of almost gorgeous splendor.