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'No, Vernie, that's not it. I hope it will be a great many years before your father is taken away. 'But you don't think so, argued Vernon. 'You told him the other day that if he did not walk more, and take less champagne, he would soon kill himself. 'But I didn't mean it, darling. I only spoke for his good. The doctor says he must take no champagne, or only the dryest of the dry.

"Does that mill pay for the working? said Charlton, turning with the dryest disregard from her interference, and addressing himself determinately to his father. "What do you mean? It does not work gratuitously," answered Mr. Rossitur, with at least equal dryness. "But, I mean, are the profits of it enough to pay for the loss of Hugh's time?"

A dry soil is indispensable to good health, and if it cannot be found as dry as wished for, it may be remedied by thorough underdraining. A sandy soil, the poorest or dryest on the farm or lot, is the best point to erect a healthful home. The habit of embowering the house with a dense growth of shrubs and trees, even where the soil is naturally dry, defeats the desired end, and provokes disease.

Now I could tell you a great deal about palms if I would; and I would, too, if my space and time allowed me, but neither will, alas! Why, if I were only to give you even the shortest and dryest botanic description of all the different palms that are known to us, that mere dry catalogue would fill a book as big as this one! How many species do you think there are?

There is no good reason why the sole burden of work in early school grades should rest upon the learning of the pure formalities of knowledge. Children's minds are not adapted to an exclusive diet of this kind. The fact that children have good memories is no reason why their minds should be gorged with the dryest memory materials.

"Oh, shaw!" And then I sez further, in the same calm, clear tones, but dry as ever a dry oven wuz in its dryest times. Sez I, "If you men can't help us any about the meetin' house, you'd better get out of our way, for we wimmen have got to go to scrubbin' right where you are a-standin'." "Certainly," sez Josiah, in a polite axent, "certainly." And so the rest of the men said.

It was his manner, for he was the dryest of men. That night when all had retired, and I had been in bed some fifteen minutes I heard a knock at my door. I supposed it was some one of my friends who could not sleep, and invited him to enter.

Salisbury took up his position in the dryest corner and looked about him; he was standing in a kind of passage contrived under part of a house, and behind him stretched a narrow footway leading between blank walls to regions unknown.

Standish was nearest her, and therefore she addressed herself to him. He could be the most nonsensical soul in the world when he felt like it or he could talk the dryest common sense that ever found its way into the wisest of heads, and thus he made his society pleasant to feather-brains, and savants alike. He was well up in almost every accomplishment.

When it is raining, the blaze should be laid upon the dryest spot that can be found, a blanket held over it to keep off the water, and it is fed with very small bits of dry wood and shavings until it has gained sufficient strength to burn the larger damp wood. When no dry place can be found, the fire may be started in a kettle or frying-pan, and afterward transferred to the ground.