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The next moment he was standing beside the bed of his son, upon which his wife was sitting with the head of the dead boy in her lap. 'The Doctor staggered like a drunken man, and held to the bed-post for support. He comprehended the awful truth at a glance, but the conviction was too terrible to receive at once.

James, Lord Dunseveric's groom, was decidedly the most drunken of the party, but Maurice wanted the man, and was prepared to take some trouble to reduce him to a condition of serviceableness again. He grasped him by the collar of the coat, and pushed him through the back door into the yard. A delighted stable boy worked the pump handle while Maurice held the groom under the stream of cold water.

"Hark ye, scoundrel," said Varney, "be sober on the instant I command thee. I know thou canst throw off thy drunken folly, like a fool's coat, at pleasure; and if not, it were the worse for thee."

Middleton had never tried to sober a drunken man, but he had an indistinct recollection of hearing that a towel wet with cold water, wrapped around the head was the best remedial agent.

Toward evening a dispute arose about the cards, a drunken fight was the result. Bagan, half crazed with drink, drew his knife and stabbed to the death one of his companions. The young man whom he murdered, prior to this had been one of his best friends. When he saw the life-blood of his companion ebb away, he came to his senses, and was soon sober.

"Yes, yes," said Haley; "but your good fellers are just the critturs to want ter run off. Them stupid ones, as doesn't care whar they go, and shifless, drunken ones, as don't care for nothin', they'll stick by, and like as not be rather pleased to be toted round; but these yer prime fellers, they hates it like sin. No way but to fetter 'em; got legs, they'll use 'em, no mistake."

Consider Watt's task, compelled to attempt the production of his new engines, complicated beyond the highest existing standard, without proper tools and with such workmen as Carless, whom he was glad to get and determined to keep, drunken and useless as he was.

"Well, sir, he says or rather said, for I've not seen him since my first visit there that George Gordon did not sail in the Morning Star. He was killed in a drunken brawl the night before he ought to have sailed: this man was present and saw him buried." "But there's pretty good proof that Gordon did sail. He was the ringleader of the mutiny." "Well, yes. I don't know how it could have been.

What are you doing what do you want aboard my ship?" "Your ship, you bullying, drunken ruffian!" cried the doctor, in a rage. "You've been down in the cabin helping yourself to the spirits, or you would not dare to speak to me like this." "Well! You do talk," cried the man, with a hoarse laugh. "Yes, I've had a drop I found down there. Thirsty, my lad, thirsty."

He may deal with his subject from the outside, and by dint of using strong language may "graphically" describe an execution or a drunken row in the streets. But he may be graphic by ability to penetrate into essence, and to express it in words which are worthy of it. What higher virtue than this can we imagine in poet, artist, or prophet? Like all great men, Carlyle is infinitely tender.