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'Flathers, she sez, 'you keep things movin' back there in the pantry, and do keep a eye on John. John's the butler. He's a drinkin' man, God be praised, and I'm layin' fer his job. Are you a chauffeur?" "No," said Donald good humoredly. "I'm a prodigal brother. Where have I seen you before?" "Can't say. If a person sees me once they never fergit me. It's me golden glow. Come, boys! Hurry up!

'Tween you and me, that cussed, infarnel liquor drinkin is at the bottom of a awful heap of trouble. If I could make the laws, the hull infarnel stuff would be handled like pison and pistols, ruther keerful." "Wycoff is pretty well off, I guess he can be made to pay pretty heavy damages," said the farmer. "'Tween you an' me, that ere is poor consolation.

"I don't believe in drinkin' liquor when a body's well; but when they're wet through, and shiverin' with cold as you are, Moses, it is good for 'em only as a medicine, you know." But not even as a medicine could Squire Fishley be induced to partake of any of the fire-water. He had drank corn whiskey enough for one day; and I think at that moment he loathed the thought of drinking it.

"There's not a man livin' respects her more highly, or knows her worth betther than I do," replied Frank, interrupting him, "but I simply ax you, Art, what mark of true respect would the fact of my drinkin' that tumbler of punch be to her? The world's full of these foolish errors, and bad ould customs, and the sooner they're laid aside, an' proper ones put in their place, the betther."

After a pause he said with great earnestness: "Don't you drink red liquor, Mose; it shore makes a man no account." "Don't you worry, Cap. I'm not drinkin' liquor of any color." Once across the Missouri the trail began to mount. "Here is the true buffalo country," thought Mose, as they came to the treeless hills of the Great Muddy Water.

They set at home on their hunkers till some feller comes and informs." "What class of people does the informing?" "Oh, sometimes hit's some pizen old bum who's been refused credit. Sometimes hit's the wife or mother of some feller who's drinkin' too much. Then, agin, hit may be some rival blockader who aims to cut off the other feller's trade, and, same time, divert suspicion from his own self.

"Bless you, my dear boy; it's not the saloons we try to protect; it's the plain people, who are entitled to the widest and broadest liberty. If you screw the lid down on people too tight you'll smother 'em. I'm not a drinkin' man; I go to church and in my newspaper I preach the felicities of sobriety and domestic peace. But it's not for me to dictate to my brother what he shall eat or wear.

"Why not just whiskey, and have it over with?" he queried, grinning at Cheyenne. "Whiskey ain't whiskey, here," Cheyenne replied. "But mescal is just what she says she is. I like to know the kind of poison I'm drinkin'." Bartley began to experience an inner glow that was not unpleasant. Once down, this native Mexican drink was not so bad.

"Me and Alec Angus Jamie Macfarlane," said the undisturbed Tam, "listenin' wi' eager ears to the discoorses of Professor Ferguson who took the Chair in Rivets at the Govan Iron Works Seminary, drinkin' out of the same mug " "Tam, you're lying," said Blackie; "what is really worrying you and who's your friend?" Tam heaved a sigh.

"Ye can apollygise to riff-raff of the streets for settin' yer unhandy feet on the tails of their frocks, but ye'd walk on the neck of yer wife the length of a clothes-line without so much as a 'Kiss me fut, and I'm sure it's that long from rubberin' out the windy for ye and the victuals cold such as there's money to buy after drinkin' up yer wages at Gallegher's every Saturday evenin', and the gas man here twice to-day for his."