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A long procession of fashionable French dressmakers has passed across the stage since her time, like the phantom kings in Macbeth; and now the last rage is to have our gowns made by an Englishman who works for the Princess, and who gives himself most insufferable airs, or an Irishwoman who is employed by all the best actresses.

Rigorously virtuous ladies, who had doubted within themselves whether it were befitting to bring their youthful daughters to thread the labyrinths full of Eleusianian mysteries at Kárpáthy Castle, now ordered their dresses from the dressmakers without the slightest apprehension. The appearance of Lady Szentirmay was the surest guarantee of virtue and propriety.

For the Grand Prix, every woman not absolutely bankrupt has a new costume, her one idea being a creation that will attract attention and eclipse her rivals. The dressmakers have had a busy time of it for weeks before. Every horse that can stand up is pressed into service for the day. For twenty-four hours before, the whole city is en fete, and Paris en fete is always a sight worth seeing.

It worried this young pretty girl to consult her mirror, and to foreknow that the King of England would probably be in love with her for months and months: but then, as she philosophically reflected, all women have to submit to being annoyed by the romanticism of men. So she dried her big bright eyes, and sent for dressmakers.

Anyway, I can't stand dressmakers any more. They paw one so. I can't bear to be touched, my wretched nerves! And I remembered the fuss you made about the bills last time. You know you did make a fuss, Esther, as if all your dear father left belonged to you and not to me " "But what did you do?" "I'm telling you, amn't I? I sold the ring, of course." "Which ring?" "The ruby ring.

The idea of doing away with this awning, and revealing the bride to the mob of dressmakers and newspaper reporters who stood outside fighting to get near the joints of the canvas, exceeded even old Catherine's courage, though for a moment she had weighed the possibility.

"Then, while you're gone, I'll make use of my time," Michael said as he rose to his feet. "I'll be back in ten minutes." He looked into Margaret's eyes. "Don't waste any time on dressmakers, Meg! Wear any old things, you always look delightful." "Catch me wasting time!" Margaret said. Her eyes assured him of her words. "Come upstairs for me in ten minutes I'll be ready."

"Yes, it's all sad, respectable, confoundedly uninteresting. What does the doctor say?" asked the artist. "I know what the doctor will say," put in Miss Summer, "but I tell you that what this crowd needs is missionary dressmakers and tailors. If I were dressed that way I should feel and act just as they do. Well, Selina?" "It's pretty melancholy. The trouble is constant grinding work and bad food.

During the remaining days of Lent, dressmakers were busy with Barbara's wardrobe; and Mrs. Coolidge carefully schooled her in a hundred little particulars of manner and deportment. And meanwhile the Select of Santa waited with impatience for a first view of the Indian girl.

I believe he gave a lot to the others when he was wealthy." "Good Lord!" Aileen sighed heavily. "It won't pay your dressmakers' bills, what with taxes and all. I won't be much better off. We'll have to marry Rex Roberts or Bob Cheever or Frank Bascom unless he's going up in smoke too, Olive dear. But there are a few others." Alexina shook her head.