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"What were you before my lady took you on?... Look here, if you don't answer, I shall begin to think the secret's got to do with those." And he pointed to the dressing table, where the jewels still lay. He even put out his hand and took up the bursting sun. "You can think whatever you like," I flashed at him, "if only you'll go out of this room."

On one occasion, however, but not in consequence of any unusual circumstance, the Emperor said to me one morning as I finished dressing him, "Constant, go to M. Meneval; I have given him orders to allow you eighteen hundred livres of income."

Now and then silhouettes appeared upon the window-blinds, especially on the upper floors, for it was the dressing hour and the cares of the day were being thrown aside with the workaday garments. In one house, standing far back from the road, the drawing-room curtains had not been drawn. As I passed, I saw a man tossing up a delighted child in his arms, and the mother standing by. Ay de mi!

When they neared the edge of the wood by Veilbye, Morten said, "Now fetch me one of the coats the pastor wears most. If you can, get the green dressing gown I have often seen him wear mornings." "I don't dare," said Niels, "he keeps it in his bed chamber." "Well, then, I'll dare it myself," said Morten. "And now, go your way, and never show yourself here again.

The Emperor, whom I was dressing during all this harangue, could hardly restrain his impatience; and I had already foreseen that this singular scene would end unpleasantly, when the milliner filled up the measure of his assurance by taking the unparalleled liberty of remarking to his Majesty that the sum allowed for her Majesty's toilet was insufficient, and that there were simple citizens' wives who spent more than that.

The trouble was caused by what is known as a "defective" shell. I left the gun pit to help Graham over to the dressing station and I had a job on my hands; he was suffering from a bad attack of brain concussion. After attention a couple of Fritzies carried him to the rear. Returning to the gun pit I found a state of wild confusion among the fellows as to what had really happened.

As he was dressing for dinner, constantly brooding on one thought, the cause of his feeling of disappointment occurred to him. He had hoped in this visit to have established some basis of intimacy, and to have ascertained his prospect and his means of occasionally seeing her. But he had done nothing of the kind. He could not well call again at Belmont under a week, but even then Mr.

When she found herself left in the lurch for that little actress and she took a rod out of pickle for her, I can tell you; my word, but she gave her a dressing! and when she had lost poor old Thoul, who worshiped her, she would have nothing more to say to the men.

Prince Andrew opened his eyes and looked up at the speaker from the stretcher into which his head had sunk deep and again his eyelids drooped. The militiamen carried Prince Andrew to the dressing station by the wood, where wagons were stationed. The dressing station consisted of three tents with flaps turned back, pitched at the edge of a birch wood. In the wood, wagons and horses were standing.

The door into the hall was, but the door into the dressing room was open, and we found the door from there into the hall open this morning." "From three until five," Max repeated. "Was any one out of his room during that time?" "I was," said Tom Harbison promptly, from the foot of the bed. "I was prowling all around somewhere about four, searching" he glanced at me "for a drink of water.