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Among the families, however, who did not have to consider "trade" there was great unanimity, though the Draytons murmured something about the increased value of the land; possibly not so much with a view to the welfare of Ashurst as because their property extended along the proposed line of the road. The rector was very firm in his opinion.

The Draytons were both upon their feet when I stole back into the hall. I needed my hat and coat, or I shouldn't have set foot within the house again that night. Jack, a bit staggery and holding to the back of a chair, mopped the cut on his temple with a handkerchief, his wife's handkerchief, in his free hand.

The Draytons, on the other hand, were slender and fair, and usually lived to a round old age; a fact of which they were wont to boast in contrast with the briefer span of the Hampdens. "Their tempers burn them out," the Major used to say of the Hampdens. Moreover, the Draytons were generally cool-headed, deliberate, and self-contained. Thus, the Draytons had mainly prospered throughout the years.

The Jamestown colonists in their search for unused land had gradually started to move into Fairfax County around 1649. Among these were the Masons, Draytons, Baxters, Brents, Vincents, Merriweathers, Fitzhughs, Hills, Dudleys and Howsings. Most of these men were not ready to make their homes here, however, for this area was still infested with unfriendly Indians.

George received a note from Lady Altringham addressed to him at his club. We are going through to the Draytons in Hampshire. It is a new freak. Four or five horses are to be sold, and Gustavus thinks of buying the lot. If you are in town, come to us. You must not think that we are slack about you because Gustavus would have nothing to do with the money. He will be at home to-morrow till eleven.

"Tck!" said Martha, "the idea of calling her good-looking! And I don't think it speaks well for a woman of her age she's forty if she's a day to let a boy trail round after her like that. And to fix herself up with sachet-powders and things. And her Sarah told the Draytons' Jean that she had her breakfast in bed every morning!

It was at the club one night I'd just come from the Draytons, and Jack hadn't been home to dinner that I heard Rawlins Richardson and Horace Trevano chattering about Maisie Hartopp. The "Jo-Jo" song had made the biggest kind of a hit that winter at the Gaiety, and the hit had been made by the Hartopp singing it to a stage box which the Johnnies scrambled to bid in nightly.

Of course there were the Draytons; you must have heard of Mr. Herbert Drayton he paints things I forget quite what, but I know he's good. They all lived there such a lot of them and most peculiar in their habits; but one gets used to anything. They all lived together for some time, about fifteen there were.

The men of the South had risked their all upon the cast, and were willing to abide by the hazard of the die. All the great men of South Carolina were for Secession, and they nobly entered the field. The Hamptons, Butlers, Haskells, Draytons, Bonhams, all readily grasped the sword or musket.

It looked, indeed, for a time as if in the fellowship of these two lads the long-standing feud of the Hampdens and Draytons might be ended, at last. They went to school together at the academy, where their only contests were a generous rivalry.