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"Oh!" wailed Marita, as one flash of lightning seemed to dart directly at the brass rail of Dray's boat. "I thought I was struck!" Her words had not been uttered before the clap of thunder followed. This had that queer, deep sound peculiar to the water, and certainly the heart of the storm seemed to hover over the little fleet.

Jack threw dishes at the oilcloth-covered table in imitation of a game of quoits, and he rarely missed the mark. "That coffee will be cold," protested Dray, "and my doctor says cold coffee is slow poison. I prefer my poison quick." The joke about Dray's doctor was that Dray never knew a doctor other than the medical inspector at school.

"Someone from the beach came up and said Dray's boat was loose, and of course, they had to all go at once to tie it up." "Better than to let it drift," Cora said, "but I am sorry if you were timid." "Oh, we were not," declared Belle, stoutly. "Only we distinctly heard someone on the back porch." "At our ice box!" gasped Cora. "Oh, we never thought of that!" exclaimed Belle.

By and by he paused on a corner near a music store, finding a momentary amusement in watching two or three men loading a piano upon a dray. Already half its weight was supported by the dray's backboard. One of the men, a big mulatto, almost hidden under the mass of glistening rosewood, was guiding its course, while the other two heaved and tugged in the rear.

Julia winced at the vision of a plump, forty-year-old siren sending coquettish side glances at an admiring Jim. Anger stirred dully within her. "Pretty?" she asked, in as nonchalant a voice as she could command. "Ivy Chancellor? No she's really plain," Barbara said, "a sandy, excitable little chatterbox, that's what SHE is! She's Lady Violet Dray's daughter; Lady Violet's quite lovely.

"Gee, whiz!" shouted Walter, "look at that spray deluge Dray!" "And she's missing," added Ed, for the sounds from the Dixie were distinctly out of time. Suddenly Dray's boat slowed down, and the Chelton shot so far ahead that it was plain something had happened to the Dixie. Jack stood up and looked back. "Something is wrong," he said. "We had better not get too far ahead.

"Let me take a look at her," suggested Denny, ever eager for a new adventure. "Oh, there are Cora and Lottie!" exclaimed Belle. "Can't we go in for them, and look after Dray's boat afterward?" "That would be a nice way to treat a ship in distress," said Denny, "but excuse me," and he showed regret at his remark. "I shouldn't be thinkin' of a lad when the young girls are needin' help."