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When they paid him off he dodged the company gamblers and dramshops, and so they tried to kill him; but he escaped, and tramped it home, working at odd jobs, and sleeping always with one eye open. So in the summer time they had all set out for America. At the last moment there joined them Marija Berczynskas, who was a cousin of Ona's.

For this cause it happened, an unheard-of thing, that masons, cabinet makers, potters, instead of drinking quietly and speaking of their own occupation, or family interests, dared to complain in dramshops, not only of taxes, but even to complain of the power of the priesthood.

He knew about these discussions of the soldiers in the dramshops, and understood straightway that something disagreeable had happened to the heir, whom the troops worshipped. Therefore, when he had reached the handful of armed men on the bank, he assumed a very angry mien, and, waving his hands with rage, cried, "Valiant Greek soldiers! mangy dogs, may the leprosy consume you!

"From that height his holiness is unable, it is true, to see the people who are wronged, or those who are unrewarded, but he is able to see the crowd of laborers who have collected without work. He cannot see warriors in the dramshops, but he can know what regiment is exercising.

"Thou, O treasurer, wilt distribute one hundred talents among the police, the overseers of the laborers, and the mayors in the provinces of Seft, Neha-chent, Nehapechu, Sebt-Het, Aa, Ament, and Ka. In those same places you will give the innkeepers and the keepers of dramshops barley, wheat, and wine, whatever is at hand, so that common men may have meat and drink free of charge.

"Worthiness, tell the Greek warriors that I will not review them until their lord, his holiness, appoints me leader a second time. They have lost that honor by uttering in dramshops shouts worthy of drunkards. These shouts offend me. I call attention also to this, worthiness, that the Greek regiments do not show sufficient discipline.

One thing more deserved attention: the abundance of food and wine. In dramshops and cook houses, especially of the Phoenicians, as well in Memphis as in the provinces, whoso wished might eat and drink what he pleased at a very low price, or for nothing. It was said that his holiness was giving his people a feast which would continue a whole month in every case.

It is only the wicked Thebans may their hands wither! who disturb the dead, so as to drink away their property in dramshops?" "What mean those fires at the north there?" interrupted the prince. "It must be, worthiness, that Thou comest from afar if Thou know not," answered they. "Tomorrow our heir is returning with a victorious army. He is a great chief! He conquered the Libyans in one battle.

Amongst a thousand nerve-destroying habits, amongst the dramshops, patent medicines, the undigested chaos of inventions and discoveries, while hundreds were prating in their pulpits of things believed in by a negligible fraction of the population, and thousands writing down today what nobody would want to read in two days' time; while men shut animals in cages, and made bears jig to please their children, and all were striving one against the other; while, in a word, like gnats above a stagnant pool on a summer's evening, man danced up and down without the faintest notion why in this condition of affairs the quality of courage was alive.