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So, if you happen to be in a hole, my dear, without friends or such things in the city, you feel free to turn to, or if you seem to stand in need of a word of advice, or anything else, why, dontcher hesitate a minute. It'd be a pretty deep hole Martha Slawson couldn't see over the edge of, be sure of that, even if she did have to stand on her toes to do it.

"I am goin' there," he answered. "But look here!" The telegraphists broke into a clamor. "You've been too long in the sun; that's what's the matter with you. You can't go up there, man; you'd be dead before morning." The tall man, to whom the mate had spoken first, had a shrewd word to add. "If it's any little thing like murder, dontcher know, why the border's just a few hours up the line."

Hey, Sam, why dontcher ask them squirrels can they make a noise like a nut? Huntin' pirate gold, are they? Who's been kiddin' 'em that way?" "Little sample of Southern hospitality, I expect," says I. "All they lack is a few ripe eggs and some garden confetti." "I wonder if Auntie can hear?" giggles Vee. "Do you know what this makes me feel like? As if I were a person in a cartoon."

'Do you wanter get over? she remarked familiarly. 'I'm afraid I can't without disturbing you. 'Dontcher think you're much better where you are? said the girl, on which Willoughby hazarded: 'You mean to say looking at you? Well, perhaps I am!

I know my place, an' I know my dooty, an' if your boardin'-house lady knows hers, there'll be no trouble whatsomedever, so dontcher worry." She descended the three steps leading from the street-level down into the little paved courtyard below, and rang the basement bell.

"The way folks stare, you'd think the world was full of nothin' but laughin' hyeenyas. Dontcher care, my dear! Well for some of 'em, if they could shed an honest tear or two themselves, oncet in a while, instead of bein' that brazen; 'twouldn't be water at all, but Putzes Pomady it'd take to make an impression on 'em, an' don't you forget it. There! That's right!

On the top he turned and called to the wondering aristocrat: "Jes' wait fer me an' de moon, me son, an' dontcher fergit dat frawgs is frawgs!" Once more he smiled his twisted smile, and was gone into the vulgar outer world. He had not waited for a promise from his friend, for Pete was wise in his little hour of life and left the keeping of a tryst with the honor of a gentleman.

Good-by, Martha! Miss Lang " He was gone. When the car had shot out of sound and sight, Martha withdrew from the window, from behind the blinds of which she had been peering eagerly. "He certainly is a little woolly wonder, meaning no offense," she observed with a deep-drawn sigh. "Yes, Mr. Ronald is as good as they make 'em, an' dontcher forget it!"